In the vibrant landscape of the InterSystems Developer Community, there are individuals whose presence resonates deeply, leaving an indelible mark on the community's ethos and evolution. One such stalwart is @Robert Cemper, a seasoned member whose journey with InterSystems company and the Developer Community spans a remarkable timeline, rich with experiences, milestones, and invaluable contributions.

🤩 Let's take a closer look at Robert's journey with InterSystems technology and our Developer Community...

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Hey Community,

Do you want to get help, discuss an interesting feature, make an announcement or share your knowledge? In this post, we will tell you how to do it all.

To make it easier to navigate this "how to" just follow the contents:

General guidelines

To begin, you need to click on the "New post" button in the top menu of the Developer Community site:

After that, you will see the editor that will give you the choice of creating a Question, an Announcement, an Article, or a Discussion. Different types of posts have their own sets of mandatory and optional fields.

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Hey Developers,

You may have already seen the article about creating a post on the Developer Community where you can find general info about creating posts. Still, we've decided that adding a post that focuses solely on the questions can be beneficial. So let's concentrate on how to pose questions.

First of all, let's talk about giving a post a good title. Choosing a good title for a question is essential to attract the right audience and increase the likelihood of getting helpful answers. Here are some tips to help you craft an effective title:

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· Jul 20, 2023 1m read
How to track your activity on DC

Hey Developers,

If you wish to know how you're doing in the Community and see your stats, you don't need to scroll through all your posts in your profile (though it is also possible). You can use the Online Analytics Dashboard. In it you can see your own detailed statistics for the current week, month, and all time, including:

  • number of views, likes, comments, followers
  • timeline graphics of views, likes, actions with your posts, comments
  • a table containing info about views, comments, and likes for your every post

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      Hi Community,

      If you wish to share with others your solution/tool and/or your company services which are connected to our products, we will be happy to organize a webinar for you to promote it. We will organize your webinar without any fuss on your side, you just need to tell us what you want to talk about and when you want to do it.

      From its side, InterSystems team will:

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      Hey Community!

      There are occasions when you really need to get in touch with a member of our Community a.k.a. author of a post or developer of a particular project, to discuss something, catch up, or whatever. And exactly for this reason, we have Direct Messages where you can send a message directly to a specific person or even have a group chat!

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      Hi Community,

      Some of you would like to share an event (online or offline) with others on our Community and here is a how-to on how to actually create an Event to invite your fellow members.

      The main challenge when creating an event is to fill in all the necessary pieces of information in the right places. So let's look at what needs to be done.

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      Hello Community,

      Some of you have passed the InterSystems Official Certification and would like to get a nifty green tick on your profile avatar

      and all your certificates in your DC profile so that others know that you know... you know what we mean

      So, to add certification to your DC profile, you need to take 3 easy steps:

      1️⃣ Go to your DC profile

      2️⃣ Go to the InterSystems Certification section

      3️⃣ Click on the Load my certification(s) button

      and that's it!

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      You know several languages and wish to share your knowledge with users in different parts of the world who don't speak English?

      Now it's your time to shine! 🤩

      With our Developer Community, it is easy to link your original article and its translation in a different language (or even ask for a translation).

      So let's talk about creating your own translation:

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      Hey everyone,

      Need to change your PRIMARY email address (login email) and not lose all your activity on the Developer Ecosystem resources: Community, Global Masters, and Open Exchange?

      It's easy! We will take care!

      1️⃣ We will correctly transfer all your information from the old DC account to the new one.

      All your posts, comments, mentions, likes, etc. will be saved on the new account.

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      These Competition Terms (the "Terms") apply to competitions and contests sponsored by InterSystems and its affiliates including coding contests relating to InterSystems products and technologies (each a "Contest"). Please read these Terms and all applicable Rules (defined below) carefully as they form a binding legal agreement between you and InterSystems Corporation (“InterSystems”), with principal office located at:

      InterSystems Corporation
      1 Memorial Drive Cambridge
      MA, 02142 UNITED STATES

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      Hi Developers!

      This is the second post on the resources for Developers. This part is about Open Exchange

      Using Open Exchange to Learn InterSystems

      InterSystems Open Exchange is a applications gallery of tools, connectors, and libraries which InterSystems Developers submit to share the experience, approaches and do business. All the applications are either built with InterSystems data platforms or are intended to use for development with InterSystems data platforms.

      If you are a beginner developer you can take a look at applications in Technology Example category. All the applications in this category come with open source code repositories, so you are able to run the samples and examples in a docker container with IRIS on your laptop or in the cloud IRIS sandbox. Examples:

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      Hi Developers!

      Recently I was asked, “How can a beginner in InterSystems technologies learn from InterSystems Developers community content to improve his developer skills”?

      This is a really good question. It has several answers so I decided to write the post with the hope it could be useful for developers.

      So! How to learn Intersystems Data Platforms(IRIS, IRIS for Health) from InterSystems Developers community content if you are a beginner?

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      Our Pledge

      In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and manager pledge to making participation in InterSystems Developer Community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.

      Our Standards

      Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment include:

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