· Jul 22, 2019 2m read

Direct Messages on InterSystems Developers

Hi Community!

We've introduced Direct Messages on InterSystems Community.

What's that? 

Direct message(DM) is a Developer Community feature which lets you to send a direct message to InterSystems community member you want. 

How to send it?

Open member's page, and click "Send Direct Message". Like here:

Or, open your account page and open the section "Direct Messages":


In Direct Messages you can see all the conversations and start the new one with Write new message:

The conversation could be between two or more people.


How a member will know about the message?

DC sends an email notification to a member if he has a new DM. Of course,  you can setup if you want to receive DM email notifications.


Attention! Direct messages are not private messages. Direct messages are pretty much the same as posts and comments but with the difference that you can alter the visibility of the message to certain people.

E.g. if John sends DM to Paul this DM is visible to John, Paul and to Developer Community admin. But this DM is hidden from other community members and public access, e.g. from search crawlers. 

So it is safe to send contact data to each other which you consider possible to share with your recipient and DC admin.


What About Spam?

Only registered members who have postings can send direct messages.

Any registered members can receive and answer messages.

So, there is no spam expected. 

Please report on any issues on Developers Issue Tracker or on Community Feedback track. 

Stay tuned!

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