· Jan 2, 2020

InterSystems Developers Community Release, January 2020

Hi Developers!

Happy New Year!

And I'm pleased to share the notes on the new DC Release.  What comes?

  1. New design for Articles
  2. Voice over for Articles
  3. Format painter feature for editor
  4. New private messages informer, Github profile and other minor enhancements

See the details below, here we go!

New Articles Design

We made articles special. Articles really need more focus, more of your attention cause sometimes (we hope) it contains a lot of technical wisdom which expects special attention. So we tried to make you comfortable reading articles. We made the font different, and we removed all the ads and announcements from the side. I hope it makes a difference: Example 1, Example 2. Read them all!  And in Spanish ;)

Voice Over for Articles

Sometimes we don't have the option to read the article but can listen to it. Sometimes we don't have time for reading but can listen to it during the ride or morning running. Sometimes listening is just better than reading - you decide!

And we introduced the option of 'articles listening' with the release! Each article now has the small audio player on top (or the link to generate audio):

You are able to download it or use the embedded player.

Listen to them all! 

And it works for Spanish too! 

Format Painter

With this release, we introduced a format painter which gives you an option to copy the format in one place and implement it to another section of text which is a very useful option for WYSIWYG editor.

Minor Enhancements

We introduced a "New Direct Message" informer which appears on top near your name when you get a new Direct Message.

Member page updated: Github, Open Exchange, and LinkedIn profiles introduced:

See all the solved tasks last month.

Please check the new kanban and submit your requests and bug reports!

Happy new year!

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