This is more for my memory that anything else but I thought I'd share it because it often comes up in comments, but is not in the InterSystems documentation.

There is a wonderful utility called ^REDEBUG that increases the level of logging going into mgr\cconsole.log.

You activate it by

a) start terminal/login

b) zn "%SYS"

c) do ^REDEBUG

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· Jun 10, 2019 1m read
more usefull Object Dump

During testing your code you are often confronted with the need to examine
the actual content of an object. Either using ZWRITE or $system.OBJ.Dump()
you get a picture of simple properties as "--- attribute values ---"
while "--- swizzled references ---" are more confusing than informative
and with "--- calculated references ---" you are just left in the lurch.

This small helper class allows you to dump an object to terminal or
e.g in background to some stream for later review.
By default, you see just properties with content,

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The InterSystems DBMS has a built-in technology for working with non-structured data called iKnow and a full-text search technology called iFind. We decided to take a dive into both and make something useful. As the result, we have DocSearch — a web application for searching in InterSystems documentation using iKnow and iFind.

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· Mar 15, 2019 2m read
Tar compress tool in ObjectScript

I'm sure most of you have already familiar with the possibility of using GZIP in InterSystems products. But, the problem is that GZIP working only with one file or stream, and it does not support folders. When you work in Unix systems, there is a possibility how to solve it, using tar compress tool which goes with every Linux system from out of the box. But what to do if you have work on Windows as well, which does not have it.

I am pleased to offer you my new project isc-tar, which will help you do not care about operating system, and deal with tar files anywhere.

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· Apr 26, 2017 2m read
How to install and use TFS in Atelier


This is a quick tutorial how to install and use TFS in Atelier. It is based on my self experience and some tricks that I 've noted.

If you are used to using visual studio maybe you feel that is a bit slow and heavy, but you have the same TFS panel as you have in Visual Studio, so don't need any special "training" to use it smiley

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· Mar 3, 2016
Anyone using Visual Studio Code?

Is anyone in the fine community of developers who work with ISC technologies looking at Microsoft's Visual Studio Code offering?

One of Bill McCormick's recent posts about Atelier referred to Visual Studio being considered the best IDE. Granted, Code is far less of a tool than VS, and probably always will be. But it claims to be open source and cross-platform, i.e. Linux and OS X as well as Windows.

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Hello community!

At the global summit in Phoenix, we (Lite Solutions) will be presenting a tool performing static code analysis on ObjectScript source files. You can see it in action at this URL:

Technically, the tool is a language plugin over SonarQube ( and consists of three main parts:

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· May 21, 2018
How is your code health

As a developer, usually I'm concerned about how my code health is, and how the other coders code can affect to my own work. And I'm quite sure most of us feel very similar.

In our company we use a Static Code Analysis tool to analyze code for different languages to ensure we are writing high quality and easily maintainable code by following a few best practices in terms of code structure and content. And the question was: why should be different for Caché ObjectScript language?

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In this article I would like to present the RESTForms project - generic REST API backend for modern web applications.

The idea behind the project is simple -after I wrote several REST APIs I realized that generally, REST API consists of two parts:

  • Work with persistent classes
  • Custom business logic

And, while you'll have to write your own custom business logic, RESTForms provides all things related to working with persistent classes right out of the box.
Use cases

  • You already have a data model in Caché and you want to expose some (or all) of the information in a form of REST API
  • You are developing a new Caché application and you want to provide a REST API
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This is the first article of a series diving into visualization tools and analysis of time series data. Obviously we are most interested in looking at performance related data we can gather from the Caché family of products. However, as we'll see down the road, we are absolutely not limited to that. For now we are exploring python and the libraries/tools available within that ecosystem.

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I know you're doing a big effort to build a new IDE in Eclipse ecosystem but Visual Studio Code is a new an even better and faster tool for coding... did you have any plans to release any COS extension for it in the near future? There you can already find extensions for all current more common progrmaming languages and it would be great to have COS as one of them.


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One of the most important features during application development is the ability to debug your code easily. Because of the asynchrnous nature, a standard Node.js application server works single-threaded by default. When you are developing applications using an IDE like Visual Studio Code, you can very easily debug your Node.js process:

First, download the free Visual Studio Code IDE (@code) and install it on your development machine.

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Hello everybody.

What I have is a criteria how to select "my" strings. What I need is to replace all of them with macro calls (using the same strings as arguments) in all classes of current namespace.

I was ready to write straightforward code, but at the last moment decided to ask the community: maybe I've overlooked a smarter option?

Any comments and advices would be great appreciated.

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You might find it useful or not. It depends on what you can imagine it to be used with, like I had to.

Either way, I created a lib that can fetch environment variables from a file or from the OS where Caché is running.

Mostly know as dotenv. Many languages have it, so why not Caché?

The usage is pretty simple:

If you want to use OS env vars exclusively, just use the method:

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