What is Unstructured Data?
Unstructured data refers to information lacking a predefined data model or organization. In contrast to structured data found in databases with clear structures (e.g., tables and fields), unstructured data lacks a fixed schema. This type of data includes text, images, videos, audio files, social media posts, emails, and more.

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InterSystems has decided to stop further development of the InterSystems IRIS Natural Language Processing, formerly known as iKnow, technology and label it as deprecated as of the 2023.3 release of InterSystems IRIS. InterSystems will continue to support existing customers using the technology, but does not recommend starting new development projects outside of the core text exploration use cases it was originally designed for.

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· Nov 10, 2021
SQL Search index on JSON objects.

Hello there!
I am hoping to get some help with "SQL Search index" and JSON objects.
I am storing a JSON object in a column of type %Stream.GlobalCharacter
Property JSON As %Stream.GlobalCharacter;
I also have a index that looks like below.
Index AnalyticIdx On (JSON) As %iFind.Index.Analytic(INDEXOPTION = 0, LANGUAGE = "en", LOWER = 1);

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I have an SQL text index defined like this

Index TextIndex On (Text) As %iFind.Index.Basic(IGNOREPUNCTUATION = 1, INDEXOPTION = 0, LANGUAGE = "en", LOWER = 1);

If I run a query like this:

WHERE %ID %FIND search_index("TextIndex",'ABC')

I get 20 results with posts containing the term ABC.

But each post can contain the term ABC several times.

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I have a SQL Query using %iFind.Highlight which returns text highlighting certain words and phrases. %iFind.Highlight seems to remove cr/lf from the returned text.

Here's my query

ClassMethod Search(pSessionId As %String, pSearchString As %String) As %String
set tTags="<span style='background-color:yellow;'>"
SELECT %iFind.Highlight(Text , :pSearchString , , :tTags) into :results
FROM SSA_OCR.TempSearchable where sessionId = :pSessionId)
quit results

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· Feb 5, 2020


I've been working with SQL using an iFind index to search text. Using the %iFind.Highlight function in my SELECT statement I can get text back that highlights the found words using <b> and </b>

I am aware that using ##class(%iFind.Utils).Highlight, I can pass a parameter to override the <b> tag and use instead a <span> tag with style to change the background color of the found words.

Is there a way to override the <b> tag from a SQL statement?


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Have some free text fields in your application that you wish you could search efficiently? Tried using some methods before but found out that they just cannot match the performance needs of your customers? Do I have one weird trick that will solve all your problems? Don’t you already know!? All I do is bring great solutions to your performance pitfalls!

As usual, if you want the TL;DR (too long; didn’t read) version, skip to the end. Just know you are hurting my feelings.

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The InterSystems DBMS has a built-in technology for working with non-structured data called iKnow and a full-text search technology called iFind. We decided to take a dive into both and make something useful. As the result, we have DocSearch — a web application for searching in InterSystems documentation using iKnow and iFind.

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Hi, Community!

Please find a new session recording from Global Summit 2017:

Catching Bad Guys with iFind and REST

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Hello All,

what is the best method for search a portion of text in a non-indexed global?

I need to implement an autocomplete kind of search, in a global of >1M registers (text type, not $lb)

Maybe the best way would be use a SQL mapped class, with 'Bitmap' indexes?

Thanks in advance!

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Enterprises need to grow and manage their global computing infrastructures rapidly and efficiently while simultaneously optimizing and managing capital costs and expenses. Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) computing and storage services meet the needs of the most demanding Caché based application by providing
 a highly robust global computing infrastructure.

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Earlier in this series, we've presented four different demo applications for iKnow, illustrating how its unique bottom-up approach allows users to explore the concepts and context of their unstructured data and then leverage these insights to implement real-world use cases. We started small and simple with core exploration through the Knowledge Portal, then organized our records according to content with the Set Analysis Demo, organized our domain knowledge using the Dictionary Builder Demo and finally build complex rules to extract nontrivial patterns from text with the Rules Builder Demo.

This time, we'll dive into a different area of the iKnow feature set: iFind. Where iKnow's core APIs are all about exploration and leveraging those results programmatically in applications and analytics, iFind is focused specifically on search scenarios in a pure SQL context. We'll be presenting a simple search portal implemented in Zen that showcases iFind's main features.

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· Apr 21, 2016
iFind index missing data

I've been using iFind indices in one of my applications but this morning discovered that the index is missing data. I confirmed the issue also exists in our test environment and rebuilt the indices there. That seems to have fixed the immediate problem. However I'd like to understand how this came about to avoid it happening in the future.

Has anyone encountered this before and know the cause?

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· Nov 9, 2015 1m read
iFind Search Portal

A simple and rather automated search portal leveraging iFind capabilities for rich text search in 2016.1. It has simple faceting, result ranking, highlighting of search results etc and just works off any table you point it to that has an iFind index by appending ?t=MyPackage.TableName to the URL.

See also https://github.com/bdeboe/isc-iknow-ifindportal for more details and the latest version.

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I created an iKnow domain, where I supplied dictionaries, blacklist, metadata and stemming. The datasource is a table.

I would like to use iFind semantic search feature. It is said in the documentation that iFind use iKnow semantic analysis. But I want iFind to use the iKnow domain configuration I created earlier earlier. How can I do that ?


Jack Abdo.

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