Hey everyone as you may know I am a beginner and I am kindly asking for some assistance in a problem I have been solving. The problem is that I am calling a user defined function within a procedure called occupiedseatsAdj and the compiler comes up with this error.

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Hi Community,

We're pleased to invite you to join the upcoming webinar "Connect Data and Application Silos to Accelerate Business Insights At Scale" on April 8 at 10:00 AM EDT!

The explosion of business systems and processes and their resulting data silos has made an overarching view of enterprise information more challenging than ever. Join two data management industry veterans as they discuss the latest progress in data management technology, working with transactional AND analytic data, and how the financial services industry is addressing challenges to speed insight and innovation.

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· Nov 29, 2023
Cloud SQL

I want to connect the app to Cloud SQL but when I registered and created the deployment (trial) I got the error:

Did anybody face such an error?
During the creation of an account, there was a message like 'username is taken' but the account have been created anyway. Maybe it could cause this problem.

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· Nov 19, 2023 1m read
NativeAPI for Java from WebTerminal

Based on the successful solution for my 2nd contribution to the Contest
I used an adapted version for this package. And have some findings I'd like to share.

Multiple communication steps over CPIPE may take time.
You won't recognize it on a fast machine. But a slower box with
Windows + Docker Desktop + your browser (and more) is neither
"Speedy Gonzales" nor a "Road Runner". 🙂

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I am sure I came across this in the past with Cache and just saw this again in IRIS.

When rebuilding or swapping a DAT file for a database it retains the Resource of the DAT file, not the Resource of the Database it is being used for.

For instance, if I have a local Database called APP with a resource %DB_APP and I want to refresh the data from another Database called TEST that has a Resource %DB_TEST I can just copy the DAT file from the TEST folder to the APP folder.

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With the release of InterSystems IRIS 2021.2 Preview and all-new LOAD DATA functionality dataset can by added with Objectscript Package Manager (ZPM)

Medical Datasets contains following 12 datasets. For dataset tables and data details please visit ONLINE DEMO by using SuperUser | SYS

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I have an issue where a Windows Reserved word, in my case CON, is causing an error when used as part of a JSON Get operation. In this case CON is the user identifier (the full identifier is CON.SURNAME) of a person and I am trying to read the employee record using a web service provided by the payroll system.

Is there a way I can get around this, some sort of encoding that would enable the inclusion of this identifier. I can't just change the identifier has it is used extensively across systems.

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Hi Developers!

Here're the technology bonuses for the InterSystems Interoperability Contest that will give you extra points in the voting:

  • Business Process BPL or Business Rule DTL Usage
  • Custom Interoperability Adapter Usage
  • Production EXtension(PEX) Java or .NET usage
  • Workflow Engine usage
  • ZPM Package deployment
  • Docker container usage

See the details below.

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How can I send a request via a SOCKS5 proxy in IRIS, using, for example, EnsLib.REST.Operation?


I need to access APIs inside my corporate network, to which I don't have direct access from my home office. I've set up a SOCKS5 proxy via SSH on my host machine like this:

ssh -D 9999 server.corporate.com

I can then make requests with curl to the APIs I need:

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Hi all,

I'm wondering if is possible to call to a BO from a HL7 Route according to a parameter of the HL7 Message

I mean,

According to the identify of the laboratory, I want to call to other TCP process to retrieve information about blood tests.

We are creating the BO using this partern.

LAB.BO.TCP. + name of the laboratory.

The name of the laboratory is stoted in the lookup table T_LABORATORIOS

I've tried to assign the name into a variable and put it in the "send" instruction, but it doesn't work.

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Hey Community,

Common tools for meeting the challenges of testing large-scale solutions deployed in the cloud:

Using Automated Testing to Build Reliable, Large-Scale API Server in the Cloud

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Hey Developers,

New demo show by InterSystems Sales Engineer @Eduard Lebedyuk is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

PythonGateway-Template Demo

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