· Oct 17, 2024 2m read
Helpful CCR Resources

Users of the InterSystems Change Control Record application (CCR) often ask for useful resources which can help them learn CCR and stay in the loop on updates. Please see this list of resources below and post ideas for additional resources or questions you may have!

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Hello everyone,

My team is currently developing guidance and best practices for the generation, storage, and deployment of TUNE TABLE statistics across development and production environments. With that in mind, we want to get an idea of what methods teams in the field have developed for handling this data. In particular, we’d like to know the following:

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Now users can filter the CCR table by multiple conditions for the CCR tables displayed on the home page and the CCR tab of the System Details page.

Previously users were only able to filter the rows by one condition at a time. This made it cumbersome for users to quickly find CCRs that they knew met multiple conditions, as they would have to choose the condition that would produce the least number of results for them to then manually filter through.

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CCR Client ItemSets now have a "stale" cut-off time. When a client-bound ItemSet is created in CCR, a user has 24 hours to deploy it to any environments. After 24 hours, this ItemSet is no longer deployable or downloadable. The deploy links will be disabled and instead the user will notice a "Refresh ItemSet" option which will create a new ItemSet. Users can then use this fresh ItemSet to deploy their changes, see below:

Stale ItemSet:

Fresh ItemSet:

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There is an exciting new Organizational Dashboard feature available within CCR. This new functionality allows users to get a wholistic view of the CCR usage within their organization, allowing things like:

  • See warnings for when organizational usage patterns need to be adjusted
  • View total CCR volume
  • Explore the most active CCR Systems
  • Identify DB version of various Environments
  • Discover which Systems are no longer active and are candidates for Depreciation
  • List the CCR Client Tool update dates to see what is out of date (to be released shortly)
  • Examine number of active CCR users, their CCR activity volume and which of them are Perforce users
  • Correct ItemSets which are troubled across all Systems

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· May 1, 2023
CCR View Page Release


As of today, all CCR users default to the new view UI on new logins. We don't expect any issues, but please report anything that you encounter.

All users will continue to have access to the classic UI for some time via a button at the top and bottom of the view page (see below).

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· Mar 6, 2023
CCR View Page Opt-In Release

Hello CCR Users,

The new CCR view page is now available to all users via an opt-in toggle a at the top and bottom of the view page.

We hope all users will give the new UI a try and provide us with any feedback that you have through your normal support channels.

Thank you to the beta users who have been using this page for a while, making sure its full release goes smoothly! You can always update your beta user status here.


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While you don't need to take your exam before the end of 2022, the vouchers provided to the UK&I Summit 2022 must be redeemed before January 1, 2023. Please register for an exam before time runs out.

You can find additional information about the InterSystems Certification Program here.

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Today we have made the new CCR view page the default for CCR beta users.

The option to toggle back to the classic UI is available in the navigation bar at the top and bottom of the page.

Please let us know of any issues you encounter or general feedback you have on the page, and thank you to everyone who tried the page in its initial release and provided us with great feedback already!

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· Oct 19, 2022
CCR View Page Beta Release

Starting today, we have release the new CCR view page to beta users!

As the view page contains a lot of functionality, we are giving users the ability to toggle their session between the new UI and the classic UI view pages. Your sessions will default to the classic UI for now, but beta users will see a "View in New UI" button in the nav bar for Tier 0 and 1 CCRs:

Similarly, the new UI page will have a "View in Classic UI" button at the top:

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Free certification exam attempt for all registered attendees of Global Summit 2022!

InterSystems is proud to offer free InterSystems Certification exam attempts ($150 value) to all registered attendees of InterSystems Global Summit 2022. The free exam attempt will be made available for any of the 7 live-proctored sessions during the Summit.

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Learning Services has posted the calendar for virtual classroom training through September! All classes are held 9am to 5pm US Eastern time as live, instructor-led virtual classrooms with hands-on exercises and interactive discussions. Go to to view the schedule, register for a class, or request a private training for 5-15 people at your company.

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· May 4, 2022
CCR Angular Pages Update

We have released 6 angular pages to all users from their beta testing phase:

Transition, Create, Clone, Merge, Standard Changes, and Peer Review Docs.

Any issues or feedback can be reported here or in your regular support channels. Non beta users can toggle their beta status here in the CCR app.

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· Jun 16, 2020
CCR deployment Util class

Hi ,

Can anyone share some good sample custom CCR Utility classes that would be called by ImplementCCR routines / CCR event hooks to help bootstrap a HealthShare (2020.1) environment or specific change?


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Hello CCR Community,

InterSystems Certification is developing a certification exam for CCR and, if you match the exam candidate description given below, we would like you to beta test the exam. We anticipate the exam being available for beta testing on February 7, 2022, but interested beta testers should sign up now by emailing The beta testing must be completed by March 31, 2022.

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Hello CCR Users,

This is a last call for feedback on a few Angular pages in beta before we release them to all CCR Users later this month.

These pages will be released from beta:

  • Create CCR
  • Clone CCR
  • Merge CCRs
  • Group Details
  • Standard Changes
  • Peer Review Docs

Group, Standard Changes and Peer Review Docs are lower traffic pages, so we especially appreciate feedback on those.

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