Beginning with the release of InterSystems IRIS® data platform 2022.3, InterSystems corrected the license enforcement mechanism to include REST and SOAP requests. Due to this change, environments with non-core-based licenses that use REST or SOAP may experience greater license utilization after upgrading.

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InterSystems has encountered a defect that causes some upgrades of HealthShare® Health Connect to fail. This only affects instances that are not licensed for the use of FHIR® and that have interoperability-enabled namespaces. Under these conditions, the upgrade fails with an <HSFHIRErr> error.

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InterSystems has identified an issue with product distributions containing Certificate Authority certificates that expire at the end of 2020. This issue does not affect system operation or system security in any way, although it does generate alerts about expiring certificates in the cconsole.log or messages.log files.

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InterSystems has corrected a defect that may cause Windows Telnet processes that are secured using SSL/TLS to hang indefinitely; this may then cause an instance to become unresponsive. This defect is present only on Windows platforms.

This defect affects:

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This message contains three recent HealthShare Advisories, which are available below.

  • Advisory: ODS Not Storing Observations When Terminology Translations Are Used
  • Advisory: Composite Record Definition Must Reference Implemented Linkage Definition
  • Advisory: Potential for Outdated Terms of Use to be Presented in Personal Community

These advisories are also on the InterSystems Product Alerts and Advisories page

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InterSystems has corrected a defect that can lead to missing resource data in FHIR search results.

This problem exists for:

  • HealthShare Unified Care Record 2020.1.0 b7015

This defect occurs due to an incorrect resource being deleted from the search index. Subsequent FHIR Resource requests against the FHIR Repository may return incomplete results due to that missing index. Any type of FHIR resource data can be lost, and depending on when the defect occurs, the same FHIR request could return different result sets.

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InterSystems has corrected two defects that affect online backup of very large databases. Backups taken via external methods, such as snapshots or direct file copies, are not affected. These defects exist in all released versions of all InterSystems products.

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