· Oct 24, 2019

Updated Online Courses! DTL Basics, Sharding, Troubleshooting Productions

InterSystems Online Learning has updated courses to include the latest information about InterSystems IRIS. See descriptions below, and try a course today!

Troubleshooting Productions
Get an introduction to troubleshooting productions, with a focus on locating and understanding some of the key Management Portal pages when troubleshooting.

DTL Basics
Learn how to create data transformations using the graphical interface in the Management Portal. You'll also see how to map fields, use functions to modify the fields and use literals as values for the fields. Finally, you will learn how to test and implement the transformation.

Intro to Sharding
Learn what sharding is, when you would shard a table in your application, and how you can use sharding in InterSystems IRIS™ to improve system performance.

Sharding Basics
Learn how to plan and deploy a sharded cluster using InterSystems IRIS™.

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