· Oct 12, 2021
Localize Text in an XData Block

Hi everyone!

I am trying to localize text in an XData block using the $$$Text macro. A snippet of code is included below. Is there an easy way to localize the text included in an XData block? So far, using the $$$Text macro is not working; when I export the %MessageDictionary, the text to be localized isn't included in the export.

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So I've got the IRIS AMI spun up in AWS EC2; it seems to be running fine.

I've added an EBS volume to it for persistent storage, and now I'm pondering how to make it actually do something useful.

What's the best way to do deploy code to this instance? I can think of a few ways to do it, but what's the least painful way? Push my code to an S3 bucket and figure out how to load it at system start? Github project?

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For some time I have been planning to do some type of proof of concept with the Workflow functionality, which, like so many other functionalities present in IRIS, tends to go quite unnoticed by our clients (and for which I say mea culpa). That's why I decided a few days ago to develop an example of how to configure and exploit this functionality by connecting it with a user interface developed in Angular.

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Beginning with the release of InterSystems IRIS® data platform 2022.3, InterSystems corrected the license enforcement mechanism to include REST and SOAP requests. Due to this change, environments with non-core-based licenses that use REST or SOAP may experience greater license utilization after upgrading.

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Hello Everyone,

The Certification Team of InterSystems Learning Services is developing an InterSystems IRIS Developer Professional certification exam, and we are reaching out to our community for feedback that will help us evaluate and establish the contents of this exam.

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Hi all,
I am trying to compile my swagger class file with swagger JSON which is a valid JSON as I created it and verified from 2.0 spec.
But getting below error. I am not very clear with the error message. Please help me resolve the same.

ObjectScript error: <CLASS DOES NOT EXIST>removeprj+7^%occClass *SwaggerClass

> ERROR #5091: An error has occurred while removing projection SwaggerClass:Reference.

> ERROR #5030: An error occurred while compiling class 'SwaggerClass'

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Hello to all developers and IRIS users.
I am submitting to the competition a project for an alternative IRIS management portal that I have long wanted to create. The project was implemented on the Django framework and the intersystems_irispython-3.2.0-py3-none-any.whl library using native IRIS. The Django project is integrated with the telegram messenger and can be launched from a docker container or directly.

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I am trying to use EnsLib.SQL.Operation.GenericOperation for retrieving (multiple) rows. But I am looking for a way to handing a StreamContainer returned by the operation, in my business process such as receiving it in the Context object and packing it to a request to call another business operation.

Does anyone have sample code to do this?


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Hey Developers,

See how the InterSystems IRIS FHIR Server allows you to develop and deploy your FHIR applications on AWS without manual configuration and deployment:

Getting Started with the InterSystems IRIS FHIR Server on AWS
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Is there any solution to how to purge the usage of the connection in Community Edition?

I have a working portal, where can't do even any simple SQL Query

Why? Because somehow I've exceeded a license limit (pardon, connection limit, when it comes to Community Editon)

So, this page shows, 8 users ate all connections

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Hi Community,

We're pleased to invite you to the online meetup with the winners of the InterSystems FHIR Accelerator contest!

Date & Time: Friday, June 11, 2021 – 11:00 EDT

What awaits you at this Virtual Meetup?

  • Our winners' bios.
  • Short demos on their applications.
  • An open discussion about technologies being used. Q&A. Plans for the next contests.
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Hi Community,

2019 was a great year full of video content for InterSystems Developers. Already 200 Videos on our InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel, and the number of subscribers has doubled since the previous year!

Almost 57K Views and 5,1K hours of Watch Time in 2019! Thank you, our dear subscribers, so we understand that our video channel is valuable to you!

Now let's take a closer look at the most popular videos on InterSystems Data Platforms over the past year.

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What is the point of having a dedicated registry if it does not work properly most of the time?

$ docker pull
latest-em: Pulling from intersystems/iris-community
5526e9f3d5c5: Already exists
352b407541ae: Already exists
f6bff04f5338: Already exists
8c3b528467ff: Downloading [=======================>                           ]  125.8MB/262.2MB
e2b23b0bff05: Downloading [=============>                                     ]  124.8MB/462.1MB
failed to copy: httpReadSeeker: failed open: could not fetch content descriptor sha256:8c3b528467ff8cc07d86a4979e3e7b8fd36734205539923c8750e1d523f23367 (application/vnd.docker.image.rootfs.diff.tar.gzip) from remote: not found

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· Feb 26, 2023
Sql Dump


Could someone help me with a solution, for example "dump" to IRIS.DAT, I mention that it is difficult to manipulate a file of ~ 200 GB. I would be interested in generating an IRIS.DAT file containing the "schema" without any information.

Thanks !

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Hello guys,

i try to call a Operation within 3 foreach loops.

When i try to do this, i always get the following error:

I dont get any Errpr when i log my request message at this time i want to call a operation.

Everything works and i get no error. But when i try to call the operation i get this error.

Then i tried to call a operation in the first Level (not in a ForeachLoop) it works.

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We're looking forward to seeing everyone at the InterSystems Global Summit next week!

George James Software will be there offering demos of our Deltanji source control. It has been proven to improve efficiencies within for individual developers, larger organizations, and everyone in between by bringing clarity to the development of your system. It encourages configuration management, versioning, and process control to improve the quality of your code.

If you would like to find out more, look out for us in the Partner Pavilion or book in for our User Group session during lunch on Wednesday, June 22nd. Email to let us know you'll be there.

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Hello Everyone

I am new to cache. I know there are 2 types of methods in cache. One is Instance method (Which can be call through object creation of particular class) and other is Class methods (which can be call through ##Class(MyPackage.Car).CarModels()).

I want to know the difference when to create a instance method vs when to create a class methods.

Thanks in advance!!.

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Hi Community,

Enjoy watching the new session recording from InterSystems Virtual Summit 2020:

Performance Testing with InterSystems Tools
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By default, all files created inside a container are stored on a writable container layer. This means that:

  • The data doesn't persist when that container no longer exists, and it can be difficult to get the data out of the container if another process needs it.
  • A container's writable layer is tightly coupled to the host machine where the container is running. You can't easily move the data somewhere else.
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Hey Community,

Play the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Unleashing the Power of Machine Learning with InterSystems @ Global Summit 2023
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