· Jan 18, 2024

Issue with Java Gateway and Java classes


I've created an Object Gateway via the System Management Portal, and installed the following Java classes to allow connectivity between the IRIS server and RabbitMQ ...





I've used the Java Gateway wizard via Studio and compiled the java classes that this would refer to, and a quick test worked on Day 1.  However, on Day 2, on trying to connect, I got this error :


However, if I go back into the Java Gateway wizard in Studio, and 're-create' the classes 

It works, even though IRIS tells me that I haven't created any new classes.  I'm tempted to say that the issue is caused by IRIS starting up the next day and something is lost during the re-start but I have no idea what.  Has anyone seen this before ?  Any help appreciated !



Product version: IRIS 2019.1
$ZV: IRIS for UNIX (HP HP-UX for Itanium) 2019.1.1 (Build 615_1_20333) Tue Oct 13 2020 14:43:19 EDT
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