· Apr 10, 2020

JuliaGateway 0.5 released

I'm happy to announce the release of the interface to Julia programming language for InterSystems IRIS. Execute Julia code and more from InterSystems IRIS.
This project brings you the power of Julia right into your InterSystems IRIS environment:

  • Execute arbitrary Julia code
  • Seamlessly transfer data from InterSystems IRIS into Julia
  • Build intelligent Interoperability business processes with Julia Interoperability Adapter
  • Experiment in Julia Shell, right inside your InterSystems IRIS terminal

Julia Gateway is a community project, available on OpenExchange.
Julia Gateway is available on Windows, Linux, Mac and Docker.

Here's some screenshots:


Want to learn more? Visit our webinar!


We invite you to the "Best practices of in-platform AI/ML" webinar by InterSystems on April 28th at 11 :00 Boston time.

Productive use of machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies is impossible without a platform that allows autonomous functioning of AI/ML mechanisms. In-platform AI/ML has a number of advantages that can be obtained via best practices by InterSystems.

On our webinar, we will present:

  • MLOps as the natural paradigm for in-platform AI/ML - Aleksandar Kovacevic
  • Full cycle of AI/ML content development and in-platform deployment (including bidirectional integration of Jupyter with InterSystems IRIS) - Eduard Lebedyuk
  • New toolset added to ML Toolkit: integration and orchestration for Julia mathematical modeling environment - Eduard Lebedyuk
  • Automated AI/ML model selection and parameter determination via an SQL query – Sergey Lukyanchikov
  • Cloud-enhanced ML - Anton Umnikov
  • Featured use case demo: hospital readmission prediction (addresses running in InterSystems IRIS of the models trained outside the platform's control) - David Lepzelter

The webinar will be useful for anyone interested in productive AI/ML implementation.

We will be happy to talk to you at our webinar!


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