InterSystems Official
· Oct 20, 2020
ObjectScript extension for VS Code reaches 1.0

Hello Developer Community!

Once again I'm here to talk about the ObjectScript extension for Visual Studio Code, and this time we are excited to announce the release of version 1.0!

The community has come together in an unprecedented way to deliver this product with InterSystems, and its only fitting that a tool so critical to developer productivity would be built with community testing, feedback and source code from the very beginning.

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You probably have a similar experience.
The more I use Atelier the more I miss INSPECTOR that I had in Studio!

First for PROPERTIES that can inherit a variable number of Parameters beyond imagination.
take %XML.Adapter as the most obvious.
Where to find all inherited methods that I eventually want to overload? Take %Persistent as example.

Or where or how can %OnBeforeAddToSaveSet() (the correct camel case) be overloaded ?

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· Apr 26, 2017 2m read
How to install and use TFS in Atelier


This is a quick tutorial how to install and use TFS in Atelier. It is based on my self experience and some tricks that I 've noted.

If you are used to using visual studio maybe you feel that is a bit slow and heavy, but you have the same TFS panel as you have in Visual Studio, so don't need any special "training" to use it smiley

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· Dec 4, 2015 3m read
Atelier Beta Cloud Infrastructure

A few people wrote to me asking about the infrastructure behind the Atelier Server implementation. Its neat and a worthwhile story to share so I am writing it up here as a post on the community. I want to go in to a little detail on why it was needed and then I will outline in detail how we went about implementing this.

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Hi Community,

I would like to share with you my experience regarding to debugging via Atelier.

I'm developing a REST API and would like to attach to a process when I call the API via a REST Client tool, for example Postman. The purpose is to inspect values from HEADER and BODY of the HTTP request during the debugging process.

Come on! How am I doing? I am going to demonstrate that by using a class from SAMPLES namespace.

1 - Open Atelier;

2 - Open your REST Service class;

3 - Go to the method related to the URI that you need to debug;

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· Feb 19, 2016 4m read
Why Atelier? And what about Studio?

I have been meaning to make a post about this topic for a few weeks and the other day an issue came in through the WRC about it so it seems this is a conversation we should be having. I want to begin by taking a few moments to explain "Why Atelier" then we can talk about what this means in the general sense for Studio and Atelier and Caché developers. We have wrestled with what to do with Studio for years. When I moved to Product Management in 2008 this was already a "thing". At the time we could not reach a consensus. Some felt Studio was fine as is.

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One of the many benefits of using Atelier for your ObjectScript development is its integration with a wide range of source control systems. This integration enables you to use modern development workflows which increase collaboration while minimizing the risk inherent to volatile code bases.

Veteran ObjectScript developers can tell you about the workarounds that were needed before they could use source control systems with products like Caché and Ensemble. One of these was to treat the data store itself effectively as a code repository. And so shared development environments became essential for many of our customers to be productive and successful.

For code shops that rely on shared development environments, adopting Atelier might seem too complicated. This article aims to provide a practical example to guide your team towards success with Atelier.

You can find an overview of the problems and solutions in this article here, which is a good place to start. This article assumes that you are familiar with the concepts introduced there.

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· Mar 3, 2016
Anyone using Visual Studio Code?

Is anyone in the fine community of developers who work with ISC technologies looking at Microsoft's Visual Studio Code offering?

One of Bill McCormick's recent posts about Atelier referred to Visual Studio being considered the best IDE. Granted, Code is far less of a tool than VS, and probably always will be. But it claims to be open source and cross-platform, i.e. Linux and OS X as well as Windows.

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· May 25, 2018
Atelier 1.2 Beta Updates - May 2018

Over the past few months, our team has been hard at work building a better Atelier experience for you. With three major new features and more than twenty enhancements, Atelier 1.2.118 makes it easier for you to develop important applications. It now also supports InterSystems IRIS Data Platform™, which enables you to rapidly build scalable, interoperable, and analytical data-rich applications.

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· Jun 24, 2016 2m read
Atelier, Git, and GitHub

One of the benefits of Atelier is easy integration with source code management tools. Some Eclipse installations include the EGit plugin, or you can install it from the Eclipse marketplace. EGIt makes integration with Git and GitHub easy. Here are the steps I used to connect Atelier to a GitHub repository:

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· Jun 15, 2018
Atelier 1.2 Stable Release

The Atelier 1.2 stable release update site ( has been updated to 1.2.119. This build contains all of the new features and enhancements the 1.2.118 beta build has as well as a number of bug fixes. Additionally, we have documented a list of the top time-saving keyboard shortcuts to help you become more productive. Give Atelier 1.2 a try and let us know what you think! Some of the key highlights include:

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· Dec 28, 2017
Atelier 1.1 Release

InterSystems is ready for 2018 since Atelier 1.1 is now available as a stable release! Bring on the new year!

To subscribe to the NEW Atelier release channel, please follow the instructions on the Atelier Download page.

Stick with the beta update channel if you want to be an Atelier insider and get the latest new features and enhancements before anyone else. #VIP

With this release, you can:

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· Jun 6, 2017 2m read
Atelier 1.1 Roadmap

It's been 6 months since InterSystems released Atelier 1.0 and we continue to roll out enhancements and new features through the beta channel (please see the Atelier Download page for details). In the meantime, we have received a lot of messages from the Developer Community with ideas for further improvements. Based on your feedback, we created a roadmap for Atelier 1.1 so you can conveniently track when specific features are going to be integrated.

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Have you heard interesting things about Atelier, the InterSystems Eclipse plugin, and want to learn more?

Join @Michelle Stolwyk, a software developer at InterSystems, for Enter a New Era with Atelier, a webinar in which she shows how Atelier can simplify your development workflow. She also discusses the feature priorities InterSystems has for Atelier and even explains how your feedback can affect these priorities!

Do you have questions for Michelle following the webinar? Feel free to post them below!

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The Eclipse environment persists perspective data to enable layout customization and other features. Sometimes when this data becomes out of date, Eclipse fails to clear references to it. For example, upgrading a plug-in can leave behind data about an earlier version of that plug-in. This mechanism applies to all Eclipse plug-ins and is not unique to the Atelier plug-in.

In light of this: You may find that after upgrading from Atelier 1.1 to 1.2, your Atelier perspective looks something like:

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There has been some confusion about how to edit Business Process Language (BPL) and Data Transformation Language (DTL) files in Atelier using the graphical editor. The following steps describe how to do this with Atelier version 1.0:

Copy the file you want to edit from the server to an Ensemble-enabled project in your Atelier workspace. To do this, find the file in the Server Explorer, right click and select Copy to project.

Open the file in the Atelier class editor just as you would any other class file.

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Where did the RemoteSystemsTempFiles project come from?

If you're using Atelier, you may have noticed a project called "RemoteSystemsTempFiles" in the Atelier Explorer and Project Explorer views. This project is automatically created by the Eclipse Remote Systems Explorer (RSE) on start-up. The RSE allows you to connect to and work with a variety of remote systems.

You can either hide this project within your views, or remove it completely by following the steps below.

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To simplify the upgrade processes and to keep up with industry standards, we decided to make Atelier only available as an Eclipse plugin. Those of you who are currently using a standalone Atelier client will not be able to upgrade to a later version.

Please go to the Atelier Download page or see the sections below for the detailed instructions about installing Eclipse and the Atelier plugin. Feel free to reach out to support or leave a comment down below if you have any questions.

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· Dec 1, 2016 2m read
Atelier Equivalents for Studio Actions
TaskStudio ActionAtelier EquivalentAtelier Keyboard ShortcutSee also ...
Display line numbers.View > Show Line NumbersWindow > Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors > Show line numbersCTRL+,Atelier Editor Features: Line Numbers
Code completion assistanceImmediately suggests completions as you type, unless explicitly disabled.You must type CTRL+SPACE to invoke content assist.CTRL+SPACEEditor Content Assist
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Most of projects on Caché, obviously, written not only in Cache ObjectScript, and should contain sources in other languages. Such as js or css for web-projects or any others. And it would be pretty good, if I could see all of files in one project, and possible to edit all of them. How to be in this case ?

And I think it is not a good idea, to place all project's sources in one root folder. Our project contains over 3 thousands classes and routines, and it is too difficult to find anything in such folder. Is not a good for it to use Java-way, and place every package in subfolder ?

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In Atelier is there a way to configure automatic indent when typing open/close braces? From what I've found this is usually left to the language (e.g. Java > Editors) but I couldn't find a setting under the Atelier preferences.

For reference, this is what Studio does:

And here is Atelier:

Notice the return after the open-brace doesn't indent and the close-brace doesn't unindent.

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