InterSystems Official
· Oct 20, 2020

ObjectScript extension for VS Code reaches 1.0

Hello Developer Community!

Once again I'm here to talk about the ObjectScript extension for Visual Studio Code, and this time we are excited to announce the release of version 1.0!

The community has come together in an unprecedented way to deliver this product with InterSystems, and its only fitting that a tool so critical to  developer productivity would be built with community testing, feedback and source code from the very beginning.

What's New

Most of the features in this release have been present since 0.9 and were announced earlier in this post. They have all been enhanced and polished.

The big news is the inclusion of the InterSystems Language Server, which brings syntax coloring and inline documentation up to par with Studio. The language server is optionally installed when you install the ObjectScript extension. If you're a beta user, the easiest way to get the Language Server is to completely uninstall and re-install the ObjectScript extension. Alternatively, you can install the Language Server from the VS Code Marketplace.

Deciding which ObjectScript IDE to use

  1. If you are a new ObjectScript developer, we recommend using VS Code. For development tools around interoperability, you can use the tools built into the InterSystems Management Portal.
  2. If you are a satisfied Studio user and only need to develop on Windows, you can safely continue to use Studio. Also, if you use the interoperability tools in Studio, you will not yet find those in VS Code.
  3. If you are an Atelier user, we advise you to migrate to VS Code as soon as is feasible. Atelier is now deprecated and will not receive enhancements or bug fixes.



VSCode-ObjectScript is now officially supported by InterSystems!. You may engage with support as you always have, but we recommend you also use the GitHub issues board as your issue may be of interest to someone else in the community.

Important links

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