· Aug 14, 2020
New Video: REST at Ease

Hi Developers,

The new video from Global Summit 2019 is available on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

REST at Ease
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Hey Community!

The latest webinar, recorded by InterSystems Sales Engineers @Sergey Lukyanchikov and @Eduard Lebedyuk, is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube! Please welcome:

"Machine Learning Toolkit (Python, ObjectScript, Interoperability, Analytics) for InterSystems IRIS"
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A permanent job opportunity has arisen for a Caché/Ensemble /Iris developer with at least 3 years experience. My client is a specialist resource provisioner of developers for high profile clients in the finance, healthcare, retail, distribution and credit business that are mainly based in central London. My client is looking for a highly-motivated individual who thrives in an environment where problems are open-ended.

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A few months ago, I read this interesting article from MIT Technology Review, explaing how COVID-19 pandemic are issuing challenges to IT teams worldwide regarding their machine learning (ML) systems.

Such article inspire me to think about how to deal with performance issues after a ML model was deployed.

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we are evaluating IRIS Data Platform as an OAuth2 Authorization Server with the use of the official Docker image. We currently struggle with the OAuth2 setup, as we are required to use https:// for the /oauth2/authorize and /oauth2/token endpoints, but the Docker container exposes only http:// in its default configuration. We have tried to find any hints in the docs but were not successful. Any help is appreciated.


Klaus & Lukas

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If you ever wondered how to debug some requests that are being made to or from IRIS, well here is a little tutorial on how to do that.

During a complex project, usually you get the specifications and implement the communication between IRIS and other things based on that. But from the paper to the real world there's usually a huge gap and you need to know why you are receiving an error on a parameter, on a header, you are not receiving the data and so on.

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Hi All,

I'm being asked if I can set up a AWS EC2 containerised version of IRIS and a separate AWS EC2 installation of Apache to serve IRIS web files.

Creating the Apache EC2 and containerised IRIS EC2 is the simple bit but getting them both to talk to each other does not seem quite so simple and I cannot find any documentation to describe how this can be achieved.

Has anyone else managed to achieve this?

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· Jul 18, 2018
Market penetration

My understanding is that IRIS is a new technology and does not replace Cache or Ensemble and to that end is more of a modernization than a repackaging. Is that accurate?

Is IRIS and HealthShare heavily penetrated in the payer space of primarily dominate in the provider space? What is the trajectory for InterSystems to penetrate the payer landscape?

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I am trying to setup our first SSL/TLS configuration so we can possibly connect to the EMR FHIR server to pull data into the Interoperability engine.

I am running on Red Hat, and created and submitted a openssl CSR request to our Windows ADCS system.

I used the following command to generate the key and CSR request to submit to Windows ADCS

openssl req -new -sha512 -nodes -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout xxxxxxx.key -out xxxxxxxx.csr

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Community webinars are back!

And we're thrilled to invite you to the webinar of George James Software, partners of InterSystems:

👉 "Demo of Deltanji: source control tailored for InterSystems IRIS" 👈

Join this webinar to learn how the Deltanji source control can seamlessly integrate into your development lifecycle and see a demonstration.

🗓️ Date & Time: Thursday, February 23, 4 pm GMT | 5 pm CET | 11 am ET
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· Jul 25, 2022 8m read
Introduction to Django part 2

In the first part, I've shown how to start a new project on Django, as well as define new models and add already existing models.

This time, I'll introduce an admin panel, available out of the box and how it can be useful.

Important note: do not expect that if you try to repeat actions from this post it will work for you, it does not. During the article, I had to do some fixes in the django-iris project, and even in DB-API driver made by InterSystems to fix some issues there as well, and I think this driver is still in development, and we will get more stable driver in future. Let's decide that this article only explains how it could be if we would have all done.

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First webinar on InterSystems API Management!

We are pleased to invite you to the upcoming webinar in Russian: Introduction to InterSystems API Management on November 21 at 10:00 Moscow time (GMT+3)!

As you might have heard, we recently introduced the InterSystems API Manager (IAM) - a new feature of the InterSystems IRIS Data Platform,
enabling you to monitor, control and govern traffic to and from web-based APIs within your IT infrastructure.

In this webinar I will highlight some of the many capabilities IAM allows you to leverage. InterSystems API Manager brings everything you need:

  • to monitor your HTTP-based API traffic and understand who is using your APIs; what are your most popular APIs and which could require a rework.
  • to control who is using your APIs and restrict usage in various ways. From simple access restrictions to throttling API traffic and fine-tuning request payloads, you have fine-grained control and can react quickly.
  • to protect your APIs with central security mechanisms like OAuth2.0 or Key Token Authentication.
  • to onboard third-party developers and provide them with a superb developer experience right from the start by providing a dedicated Developer Portal for their needs.
  • to scale your API demands and deliver low-latency responses

There would be a live demo.

This webinar is for System Architects, Developers and DevOps Engineers.
Time: November 21 at 10:00 Moscow time (GMT+3)!

The language of the webinar is Russian.


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· Sep 10, 2019
Code Golf Index

Code golf is a type of recreational computer programming competition in which participants strive to achieve the shortest possible source code that implements a certain algorithm.

Here's a list of Code Golf competitions we had on Developers Community.

And some interesting challenges:

Did I miss something? Add more challenges in comments.

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InterSystems is pleased to announce the 2022.3 release of InterSystems IRIS Data Platform, InterSystems IRIS for Health, HealthShare Health Connect, and InterSystems IRIS Studio are now Generally Available (GA).

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Hey Developers,

Learn how to use InterSystems IRIS data platform to meet change data capture (CDC) challenges created by data silos:

Stay in Sync with Change Data Capture
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· Mar 30, 2022 9m read
3DES support

There are several ways of classifying cryptographic algorithms: 1) Secret Key Cryptography (SKC) - Uses a single key for both encryption and decryption. It is also called symmetric encryption. Primarily, it was used for privacy and confidentiality; 2) Public Key Cryptography (PKC) - Uses one key for encryption and another one for decryption. It is also called asymmetric encryption.

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· Feb 28, 2023 2m read
DataPipe: a data ingestion framework

Hi all!

I'm sharing a tool for data ingestion that we have used in some projects.

DataPipe is an interoperability framework for data ingestion in InterSystems IRIS in a flexible way. It allows you to receive data from external sources, normalize and validate the information and finally perform whatever operation you need with your data.

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