· Aug 19, 2022 2m read

First experience of using an IRIS for Health docker container

I am happy to share with you my first experience of using a docker container version of IRIS for Health to explore your interest in using or having a trial by taking the advantage of a docker container that is lightweight, and easy to deploy. This cookbook will go through the implementation steps using the GitHub repository called ENSDEMO written by Renan Lourenco.

Steps for setting up an IRIS for Health Community Edition docker container environment

  1. Docker up and running
  2. Download the docker image

docker pull

  1. Clone the source repository from GitHub

git clone

  1. Change the file directory to where you have cloned from Github.
  2. Build container image from the file docker-compose.yml

docker-compose build

  1. Run your container

docker-compose up -d


During my initial attempt, I could not download the exact version of irishealth community:2022.2.0.304.0, because it had changed since the initial release of ENSDEMO. The fix is to pull the latest available tag in the registry when trying to pull the docker image from the InterSystems Container Registry.

Another error that I run into was indicating “=>ERROR[internal] load metadata for docker pull” after executing the command docker-compose build. This is because there is a conflict between the version of the docker image I downloaded and the specified container image version in Dockerfile.


To login into IRIS for Health:

Start an IRIS terminal session: docker exec -it ensdemo iris session iris

Start a bash session: docker exec -it ensdemo /bin/bash


My walk-through implementing video:


by Renan Lourenco (

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