Is is possible to install multiple copies of Eclipse/Atelier, and have each instance maintain it's own distinct list of server connections? I thought I had figured it out, uninstalled everything, and reinstalled without using bundle pools. I think this keeps projects separate, along with allowing different Eclipse settings and plug-ins. After installing the second instance, no server connections from the first were showing in the second.

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0 680

I'm currently working with a developer to add IRIS/Caché functionality to his HL7 analysis tool that would allow its users to extract messages directly from the Ensemble message store. IRIS for Health Community Edition has been a great aid in debugging this, but I keep banging into the 5 connection license limit with Studio, the Management Portal, an IRIS terminal session and a client database connection using either ODBC or ADO.NET.

4 1
1 600
· Oct 10, 2018
WebTerminal : blank screen

I just downloaded and installed the latest WebTerminal into my local copy of Healthshare 2016.2.1

I installed via studio and everything compiled without error.

However when I run it I just see a black screen. The help window at the bottom of the screen pops open when I type '/' but I just can't get any response.

Any suggestions as to how to trouble shoot this?


0 11
0 581
· Sep 14, 2017
Conflict Resolution Wizard


When trying to sync a class to the server where the server class has been updated by another user, I, as expected, get the Conflict Resolution Wizard.

I can then use the wizard to copy code from the server side to my local copy using the arrows also as expected.

But when I have integrated the remote code into what I think is my local copy how do I save it so that it gets integrated into my local copy and synchronised to the server.

0 9
0 560

We have started playing around with Atelier, primarily to enable us to commit our existing Ensemble code within source control (GIT).

It seems Atelier works well with classes and routines however is unable to directly export lookup tables and HL7 schemas. Can someone confirm/validate this is the case? if so, when will this functionality be made available as it's absence is a deal breaker for us?

0 8
0 529

Well, we now have two different platforms Caché and IRIS. With so many changes, that it makes so many difficulties to have the same sources for both platforms. I'm not arguing about the reasons for it. Some of the changes are really reasonable.

It's good when I can import code from Caché to IRIS and get it worked after all background job was done. In Caché we have %CacheStorage type used for Storages. In IRIS it automatically converts to %Storage.Persistent. So, If I develop on IRIS, I will have incompatible sources for Caché.

0 6
0 526

Suppose I want to create an Eclipse plugin designed to be added to Atelier, and my plugin needs to perform some processing on the server that the current Atelier project is configured to connect to.

Is there a way I can use the connection credentials that have already been entered by the user? I don't really want to make them enter these again into my own plugin.

1 8
0 516

Is anyone using Atelier with 3 environments (instances with multiple namespaces) (DEV, TEST, PROD) using GitHub as the source control.

I would be interested in how its all setup. So for example;

Would you have three branches for the code or 3 repo's.

Would you have three projects in Atelier to communicate with the environments and GitHub?

I have 3 existing environments that I wish to put under source control and also provide the ability to promote code between the environments in a controlled manner.

0 4
0 505

Hi developers!

Every day coding with IRIS and docker I call the following 3 commands in VSCode terminal. Always the same for any projects:

docker-compose build   ; to build the container

docker-compose up -d   ; to run the IRIS in container

docker-compose exec iris iris session iris ; to open the IRIS terminal

Is there any way to map the key sequence which will type me the rest?


0 2
0 501

When I delete a class package, it seems to delete it from my workspace but the delete action is not synchronized with the server. Is there a way to delete this package both locally and on the connected server within Atelier?

#UPDATE - Added product version information
Atelier version: 1.2.118 (Beta)
Caché $ZV: Cache for UNIX (IBM AIX for System Power System-64) 2017.2 (Build 744) Fri Sep 29 2017 11:04:53 EDT

0 2
0 489


I'm trying to connect to a Caché server from Atelier; the Caché server is 2015.x.

The address and port I'm trying to connect to is the SQL gateway server; and I get, each time, an "unexpected end of file from server".

Note that unfortunately, for the moment, I connect as _system... And the Caché install has the default privileges.

What am I doing wrong?

1 1
0 488
· Feb 26, 2016
No Namespaces found


I'm trying to use iKnow but I get the following error "No iKnow-enabled namespaces found" in the Management Portal.

It was working on the 2015.2.2 version but now on 2016.2.0 it doesn't. I very new to Caché and iKnow so it's probably a simple problem.

I was able to create a iKnow domain using the terminal and I can view it in the learning portal (http://localhost:57772/csp/sys/exp/_iKnow.UI.IndexingResults.zen).

0 2
0 481

Just starting to use Atelier and having problems with making server connections. I have tried both the super server port and the web server port and both fail with either Unexpected end of file from server (Secure connection disabled) or PKIX path building failed (Secure connection enabled). On a different server I get Connection refused: check the web server configuration.

Anyone run into this before?

0 2
0 479

Hello everyone :-)

I would like to update Atelier from version 1.0.262 to the 1.3 one. So I clicked on Help --> Check for updates, and I get these first error messages:

"No updates were found in available software sites."

"Some sites could not be found. See the error log for more detail." etc. cf picture below talking about Proxy Authentication.

1 5
0 476

In response to a comment on his posting about source control hooks and Atelier Bill McCormick used the example of Studio's SOAP Wizard and talked about providing more information about how Atelier will support this kind of extension.

My Atelier (1.0.116) has a Tools menu with an Add-Ins option and a "Soap Wizard" (sic) submenu.

Is there any information available to us yet about how we can add our own add-ins of this kind?

2 7
0 468

Well my last post got cut off for some reason. I am trying the new beta and wondering about the following functionality from Studio that I don't find in Atelier:

F12 = Open the routine and jump to the tag of the current call the cursor is on in a routine

F2 / <Ctrl> F2 = jumping to a bookmark / toggling a bookmark

<Ctrl> G = Jump to a tag in the code

When might these things be in Atelier? I use them a lot in Studio and the absence of these really slows me down.

0 8
0 463


Trying out Atelier , and need to understand what working principles are best to follow.

Scenario I have a local Cache Instance for development that is linked to a GIT repository for Namespace "ABC"

I have got a local working directory /workingdir/ABC

I have checked out branch "a"

So at this point I need to connect to a dev server that has this Namespace "ABC" but currently the branch that is on this server is "b"

0 2
1 453
· May 25, 2017
Atelier and Inspector


Cache Studio's inspector window can show me a Cache class's properties,methods parameters, XDATA blocks, Triggers, Foreign Keys, Queries and more, in a table in the Inspector window. Additionally, for properties, where the property accepts parameters, these parameters are listed together with possible value choices.

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0 453