Software deployment is all of the activities that make a software system available for use. The general deployment process consists of several interrelated activities with possible transitions between them.
Does anyone have experience using SCCM or any other enterprise application management tool to deploy updates to a thick client (internally developed standalone app) across the enterprise? I have a client that is attempting to get this working for their customer and running into some trouble. If you have any knowledge or experience you can share it would be greatly appreciated.
I have read some MS Technet pages that appear to indicate this is possible
Due to a new project I'm getting involved inside %Installer stuff deeper than ever I'd be happy to. Most of it was pretty easy to get, thanks to documentation, articles and SAMPLES example, while I can't dig good solution for one problem.
I love the frequent mentions of versioning the CPF merge files in Source control. One thing that is not yet clear to me is how this would work for rolling back a change:
Using the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2), is it possible to install IRIS and run it from there? I am wanting to test IAM, but unable to run Docker Desktop on my VM, and do not have access to a Linux machine to install and test with.
I'm using Git with DeepSee and when I need to do a commit to the git repo I'm exporting ALL the pivots and dashboards from the namespace. But I can forget to do that) And it can take time for a large system.
What is the way to manage automatical export of DeepSee artefacts which we are editing in UI (Cubes, Pivots, Dashboards, Pivot Variables, Term lists, Shared Measures) into files every time when I push Save button?
This is my first post, I have only been using Healthshare for a year.
We support multiple Healthshare test and development environments. We are trying to come up with the best solution for building an environment from scratch, as well as incremental updates. I am interested in hearing the pros and cons between using the Ensemble -> Export Production feature versus creating custom classes to do the install and setup.
I have been playing around with the Management Portal deployment tool, which involves: Ensemble > Manage > Deployment Changes > Deploy and Production Settings > Actions > Export Production Settings > Actions > Re-Export
Everything was going fine , until I came across this:
I have a need to create a custom deployment package for our production. I can't do a full deployment of the production so I need to create a custom deployment package that will add our new classes, business processes, rest end points and transforms. I would like for the production to add and configure the business services, process and operations as well.
I've seen a few password change posts, but I wasn't 100% sure it was the same process, so I am asking here. We periodically have to change the passwords for a few Cache user accounts across several servers. Is there a process/script to change these passwords without having to go into the web portal on each server? Thanks so much, and I apologize if this was covered in some of the other articles that I've run across. Just looking for the best method.
I'm trying to write an installer manifest that can create a namespace, resources (%DB_namespace) and a role (with the resource, above), based on the namespace. So you could pass in "ABC", or "XYZ", and it would create the %DB_ABC resource and the ABC role with %DB_ABC:RW permissions; or it will create the %DB_XYZ resource and the XYZ role with %DB_XYZ:RW permissions, accordingly.
I am new to Intersystems, in our project we are directly connecting to the server (environment) using Intersystems VSCode extensions and publishing our changes from local machine. This is not the way we usually do as development process.
Is it possible to implement continuous integration ? So that developers can check-in their code in GIT Hub and can integrate Jenkins and automate the deployment?
Hi! I have a local project written on Cache and Atelier on my PC. I need to move it to notebook. Tried to export globals, classes, MAC-programms and csp with frontend stuff, but after I created my apps on notebook and imported my set, it just didn't work. I think it's because I have some settings on Management Portal, so how can I export portal settings and what I should export to have my working apps on another computer?
I'm exploring using installation manifests to deploy Ensemble configuration changes. I noticed that the documentation uses a macro within an "Error" tag.
<Error Status="$$$NamespaceDoesNotExist">
So I thought this would also be possible with "Var" tags, "If" tags, etc. For example:
I'm deploying IRIS for Health on a Google Cloud VM, and I note that the SuperServer port is 1971, rather than good old 1972. Is this as it's supposed to be? I can't see that it's documented anywhere.
I just deployed my production from test to acceptance but I found that the deployment misses some Soap Webclient classes which are used by my business operation components. I have used the management portal to create the deployment (i.e. production settings -> Export) and I expected that all classes used by the production were automatically included. Apparantly, that is not the case. Is this default behaviour for Ensemble? And can I somehow force Ensemble to automatically include these classes?