In Studio you can open class with typing / pasting full classname Ctrl+O dialogs filenamebox.

in Open Atelier Class/Routine Dialog (Ctrl+Shift+T) you can't give full class name (package.class) and

when typing only classname part it does not give you any hint about package of those classes it shows.

Its' a bit frustrating when we can have ( and we have) lot of classess named similarily in different packages

and we have lot of packages so the tree crawling is a bit slow.

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In response to a comment on his posting about source control hooks and Atelier Bill McCormick used the example of Studio's SOAP Wizard and talked about providing more information about how Atelier will support this kind of extension.

My Atelier (1.0.116) has a Tools menu with an Add-Ins option and a "Soap Wizard" (sic) submenu.

Is there any information available to us yet about how we can add our own add-ins of this kind?

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Hi there,

I'm currently getting myself acquired with Atelier and apart from having a lot of fun I noticed an issue that keeps me from merging changes to the server. When importing Files into my project it uses the right encoding (without telling it what encoding to use). When trying to synchronize it shows the Conflict Resolution, with the server side using the wrong encoding therefore displaying gibberish.

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· Dec 20, 2016 5m read
Atelier, The Productivity Boost Tool

Development productivity? Isn’t it kind of an oxymoron? Anyhow, we all dream a magic tool which does the tedious job of the software development and leave the intuitive or creative part on the developer. Atelier is the next generation tool of InterSystems aiming to boost the productivity of Caché/ Ensemble based software development. Atelier is based on the popular Eclipse IDE platform, which makes available the “infinite” pool of third party tools for Caché developers. Those tools can truly boost the productivity. This short article gives some examples how third party plug-ins can help developing for Caché. It is an absolute beginner’s guide, beginner to Eclipse but experienced to Caché.

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0 1.1K

Hi, I just installed the TRYCACHE 2016.2.1 preview release into a 16.04 Ubuntu VM. The install is dirt simple. Very nice. I've installed Eclipse Neon and used your update site link to get Atelier. Also very simple and nice. Thank you!

I see there is a January update coming. Will it be possible to include a license that lets developers launch one terminal session while connected to the TRYCACHE instance via Eclipse?

When I try to do this, I'm exceeding the TRYCACHE license limit.


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0 386
· Dec 1, 2016 2m read
Atelier Equivalents for Studio Actions
TaskStudio ActionAtelier EquivalentAtelier Keyboard ShortcutSee also ...
Display line numbers.View > Show Line NumbersWindow > Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors > Show line numbersCTRL+,Atelier Editor Features: Line Numbers
Code completion assistanceImmediately suggests completions as you type, unless explicitly disabled.You must type CTRL+SPACE to invoke content assist.CTRL+SPACEEditor Content Assist
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0 656

I tried to make atelier look more like XCODE with this simple trick or tip: change the default font to SF Mono and size 14.

To do it I did:

1) Install SF Mono font in the system which is the default font for XCODE and needs to be installed in order to use it.

You can find it in: /Applications/Utilities/

Double Click SFMono-Regular.otf file and install it. You will get a warning of "serious problems" but it will work all right.

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0 487
· Oct 26, 2016 1m read
Ensemble XML VDoc Schema Editing

This article explains how Atelier helps you to improve software development productivity. One of the Ensemble features is the VDoc infrastructure. When someone develops HL7 v2.* production, She/ He is in a luxurious situation because Ensemble comes with a HL7 Schema editor. On the other hand this is not the case with XML VDocs. But with some effort you can turn Atelier to a handy XSD editor and close the gap.

Please follow the step-by-step guide to complete the job.

Before you read

Please make sure that you have

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0 599

We at George James Software recently released a new version of Deltanji, the native source code management tool for Caché, Ensemble and HealthShare.

Version 6.1 includes several enhancements, including easy creation of labels. Bulk transfer of large codesets is also now available from the browser UI.

A perpetually free "install and go" Solo Edition of Deltanji is available. Licenses can be purchased for other editions that provide more advanced code management and deployment features.

Deltanji is compatible with Atelier. It can also manage external files.

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I just installed the latest update for Atelier (Version: 1.0.255) and I am trying to add the Ensemble 2016.2 build 736 release to my workspace. It allows me to add all the correct information, test the connection (succeeded) , but the "Finish" button is greyed out so I can't save the configuration. Anyone else seeing this?

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Suppose I have a project in Atelier with two classes: Class A and Class B and develop it in my local Caché installation.

If I decide to delete Class A and delete it in Atelier project will it be deleted in Caché automatically or should I do it manually?

Or what is the suggested workflow in this case?

Same question is if I decide to rename Class B to Class C.

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0 586
· Dec 4, 2015 3m read
Atelier Beta Cloud Infrastructure

A few people wrote to me asking about the infrastructure behind the Atelier Server implementation. Its neat and a worthwhile story to share so I am writing it up here as a post on the community. I want to go in to a little detail on why it was needed and then I will outline in detail how we went about implementing this.

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It appears latest version of field test supports Rules. What does support of Ensemble rules in Atelier mean for Ensemble users? Does it mean compilation and development can now be done in new Studio? If yes, how indentation and aliment work with Atelier?


2016.2.0.726.0AtelierCDS2785Support Ensemble Business Rules in Atelier api
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0 348

I am trying to use Atelier against a 2016.1.1 server:

Cache for UNIX (Apple Mac OS X for x86-64) 2016.1.1 (Build 108U) Wed Jul 6 2016 16:06:38 EDT [HealthShare Modules:Core:15.01.2136 + Linkage Engine:15.0.2136 + Patient Index:15.0.2136 + Clinical Viewer:15.01.2136 + Active Analytics:15.0.2136]

I'm having trouble creating a connection and I realize I need to create the /api/atelier web application manually. I must not be setting it up correctly because I'm still having trouble connecting. I get an error when I test the connection that says:

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0 502
· Aug 25, 2016
New keys for Field Tests?

The FT keys InterSystems currently make available to us in the zips from the download pages are due to expire at the end of this month (31-Aug-16). Will there be new keys soon?

Also wondering when we might expect new FT builds for 2016.2 and 2016.3. The last published ones were 24-Jun-16 and 16-Jun-16 respectively.

I haven't seen an Atelier update for a while either.

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0 344
· Jul 22, 2016
Conversion to Atelier

If our SVN repository already is storing discrete .cls files, does Atelier do any conversion when we load from SVN into our server instance?

At what point would I see .udl files? I am thinking I would only see that if SVN was storing .xml and each of those would be converted to .udl.

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0 437
· Jul 14, 2016
Opening generated classes

I'm wondering if there is a setting to show generated classes in Atelier, if there is, I haven't been able to locate it. I have code which is generating other classes, but am unable to locate those classes on the Server tab, but can see them when I open studio. Is there a setting I'm missing?

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0 308

Does the Caché installer do all of the necessary setup for using Atelier when upgrading a pre-Atelier instance?

I just upgraded an Ensemble 2016.1 instance to 2016.2 and the /api/atelier web application wasn't created automatically. Aside from creating this web application is there anything else that needs to be done to support Atelier?

** UPDATE **
See my comment below -- this was caused by a permissions problem during the upgrade. After fixing the permissions problem and upgrading again Atelier works.

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