Discussion (11)2
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Thank you for your work! Atelier field test is really cool.

Just two questions:
- Is there any chance to extend 15 days period of test? It would be great (I can't test it full time).
- Can we access to Atelier Ensemble Test server with Studio? I've tried, but I couldn't. It would be very helpful to compare working with Atelier and Studio at the same time with the same code.

Kind regards!

Since you work on the client with Atelier, and only use the server for deployment/compilation/debugging, it does not matter if you need to restart the server every two days, and it allows bug fixes to be deployed automatically. If you export to XML from Atelier and use source control on a system using Studio, then you should see the code automically refresh in Studio when you open the file.

What's the right support channel to use for the cloud-based Atelier FT server? I log in at https://wrc.intersystems.com/wrc/BetaPortalCloud.csp and click the "Launch Server" button. The button disappears immediately and is replaced by text saying "Your Atelier Server has been launched,
it will run for the next (expired)." and when I click on the xxx-.isc.appsembler.com/csp/sys/UtilHome.csp URL I am offered I get a page reading "

No Application Configured

This domain is not associated with an application.
