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Hey Intersystems-Developer,

I have already used that and know its possible, but can't find it anymore :(

I need dynamic access on proxy objects. For example:

set key = "lastName"

set name =

set lastName = obj.key <- Not possible

set lastName = obj.GetAt(key) <- Not possible

How can I get access to that object with my dynamic variable "key" ?

Best regards.

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I have a process that receives a EnsLib.DICOM.Document, and then attempts to extract a PDF from the dataset to save to a folder.

When I use the GetValueAt method to get the pdf from the document (from the EncapsulatedDocument section), the status returned is 1, but I'm only getting the first 32648 characters(?) from the PDF.

I thought it was a string max length problem, but long strings are enabled and the final PDF is tiny (94kb) so it's not hitting the long string.

Is there some form of limit to using the GetValueAt method that I'm missing?

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· Jul 8, 2019
Installing Atelier Plugin

Hi All,

I've got Eclipse installed (Javascript 2019-6) but when search for Atelier from the market place within the IDE it does not show up.

I found it in the browser version of the marketplace, and tried to drag it in but got the message 'The following solutions are not compatible with this version of Eclipse'.

I tried installing an older version of Eclipse (photon) but the installer keeps telling me I haven't got JRE 1.7+ installed (I have 1.8 64bit installed already), and sends me to a download page so I can't continue.

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The select query here "select Settings from Ens_Config.Item" in the SQL Query of management portal returns this:

ValidationHost 7ActOnTransformErrorHost1 ReplyCodeActionsHostE=D AlertOnErrorHost1 9 AlertGroupsHost$LabAlertGroup,1-CriticalAlertGroup BusinessPartnerHost

How do I isolate just one of the settings e.g. ReplyCodeActions or LocalInterface

For example, i want to search for all entries that have a value for ReplyCodeActions

I realize i can open the production in studio and search for those setting values.

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I'm trying to set Caché-Python Binding on Mac, but there is a problem.

I performed installation and configuration of Caché-Python binding module based on the manual (URL)
including setting of PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH in "bash_profile",
and they seems to be done successfully (there was no error in the process).

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· May 1, 2019
Search Criteria error

When we go to specific name space to search messages in message viewer, at the moment we are adding the search criteria to add criterion type as SearchTable Field, and clicking the dropdown in Class field, there is an error says below in the image:

Could anyone please let me know what exactly the error is from? Thanks so much.

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Alert emails are pretty terse - they are fine for me but I'd like something a bit more friendly when sending alerts to end users.

Instead of this

QueueWaitAlert: Message Header Id '522408569' queued for config item 'alerttoXXXsystemmanager' with priority 'Async' has been queued for more than 600 seconds

I'd like to send something like this:

Hi Bill,

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· Jul 4, 2019 1m read
Install EnsDemo on IRIS

Has you may know, EnsDemo from Ensemble are not available anymore on IRIS.

This is a good thing, Iris is cloud oriented, it must be light, fast. Now the new way of sharing samples or modules is through git, continuous integration and OpenExchange.

But, in some cases you want to go back to your good old samples from EnsDemo to get inspiration or best practices.

Good news, there is a git for that :

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2 1.1K

Hi guys!

As you know there are two (at least) ways to get the stored value of the property of InterSystems IRIS class if you know the ID of an instance (or a record).

1. Get it by as a property of an instance with "Object access":

ClassMethod GetPropertyForID(stId As %Integer) As %String


set obj=..%OpenId(stId)

return obj.StringData


2. Get it as a value of a column of the record with "SQL access":

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I have a DTL to transform X12 Document 278 Request to 278 Response HIPAA 5010 schema. The DTL is called from BPL. I defined a class method that receives source, target, and context objects. How can I create 2000F loops in the response when there were none in the source object?

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· Jul 2, 2019
Ensemble Queue Counts Incorrect

A couple of our queues in Ensemble are reporting a queue count of one however there are no messages in the queue. Does anyone know what the best method is to reset to the queue count back to zero or remove one from the queue count?

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Presenter: Dan Kutac
Task: Use a common login identity and a central mechanism of authentication across environments from multiple entities
Approach: Provide examples and code samples of an application environment using OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0

Description: In this session we will demonstrate an application environment using OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0. Hear how this is done and what options you have; and yes, you get to keep the code.

Problem: How to use a a common login identity (e.g. Facebook credentials) and a central mechanism of authorization cross environments from multiple entities.

Solution: Create awareness and interest in using OAuth 2.0

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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0 730

Request for getting Audit/Reporting info.
The ask is for a count of inbound messages by distinct identifier.

My challenge is getting the unique identifer out of the RawContent column in the EnsLib_HL7 table.

Wondering if a temp table can be created to store the value then do a join?

In the below example I am wanting to use the 999998 value in the PID.

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0 498

Hi Community!

Please welcome a new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

InterSystems IRIS Roadmap
[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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Hello, community!

I've stumbled on some unexpected behavior, and decided to check with you if this is normal. Basically, I'm rebuilding indices and the result is not journaling (which leads to missing indices at shadow server).

The $ZV is "Cache for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86-64) 2015.2.1 (Build 705U) Mon Aug 31 2015 16:53:38 EDT"

I have an example class

Class tmp.A As %Persistent;

Index IP1 On P1;

Property P1 As %String;

for example there is one object which have P1 = 1, so

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  • HI ALL,
  • Greetings from Sutherland Healthcare !!!


    Looking for Interface Developer with Exp in Ensemble,MUMPS & CACHE, you will be responsible to design, develop and implement Application Integration solutions to the enterprise-wide requirements of customers. These solutions deal with major business processes or systems utilized to manage the overall enterprise. This requires system integration coordination and administration of integrated systems, modules and applications.

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0 705
· Jul 1, 2019 2m read
Transaction suspencion

It’s often useful to make changes inside the current transaction, that would not be rolled-back if transaction is rolled-back. For example to do some logging.

This can be achieved by using global that is mapped to temporary database -- IRISTEMP. All globals that start with ^IRIS.Temp* are mapped to IRISTEMP by default. Problem with such approach is that IRISTEMP is cleaned on InterSystems IRIS restart, so this log is lost.

What else you can do is -- suspend transaction temporarily, do the logging, and then resume the same transaction.

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1 535

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