InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,031 amazing developers
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Hi Everyone!

New session recording from Global Summit 2018 is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Advanced Cloud Provisioning & Deployment
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Dear all,

In our application made in Caché object script, when we deploy some classes modified we have the option of calling "Purge queries" feature of Caché.

We only were doing this call when a %Persistent class definition (table) was modified, as we assume that no other changes affect the cached queries and we don't want to purge them by default, as the first run of a query becomes slow.

We had a case where no table definition was changed but a purge queries was the solution.

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· Dec 11, 2018
Websockets issue


I'm trying to use Websockets and understand how it works. To do so, I tried to follow the sample in here :

I opened studio, connected to my server into the USER namespace and use the Tools -> Import Local in order to add the 3 files (app.js.xml, index.html.xml and WebSockets.Main.cls )

I compile without error and use the View -> Web Page and it doesn't work as expected

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· Dec 5, 2018
Schema not appearing on Mirror

Hi, I updated the schema on our live node, but the change did not occur on the mirror server. Is there some setting that I need to enable? Everything else seems to be updating but the schema has not

Can you advice on what I could be missing or is this something that is known?



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I am pretty stuck here and would appreciate any help or advice on an approach to this...

I have a single claim file, ingested that has 7 claims inside of it, I am pulling each claim out based on a qualifier, then want to remove all of the others and do something with the one that is left over.

My problem is I cant seem to figure out how to Remove the Claims programatically...

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I have a persistent class that represents cities across the United States. It is below, but basically has a City Id, Name, Lat, Lon and a few other unimportant fields for this issue. Anytime I attempt to query on the Latitude or Longitude it immediately returns no results. My first thought was that it was a casting issue so I tried casting both sides to floats, ints, even strings and in all cases it immediately comes back with no results. I then decided to cast it to a string and attempt a like statement thinking it might be something about how floats are handled, but still no joy. Any

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0 367

Hi guys,

I'm running a method on an instance of Cache 2010, which, when compiled, has $$$OK in it's .int code. This line throws an error, telling me that "the OK macro isn't recognized".

Some things I've tried;

- I looked it %occStatus, and the macro definition of OK is there.

- I changed $$$OK to 1 by hand in the .int code. It compiled successfully, but each time I recompile the original class, it's going to put that $$$OK back

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· Jun 21, 2016
Atelier - newbie troubles

I have just imported our Ensemble project (not a really big one, like two man-years) into my MacBook Air Ensemble 2016.3 instance to test many things (document model, etc.), Atelier among the others.

The "Production view" is not here, and I miss it.

The opening of Diagram Editor for BP is pretty hidden. I would even like having a switch, which would default to the Diagram Editor.

Anytime I click on the Open Diagram Editor, it waits for a while, ten produces an error and only then I can see the diagram.

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0 514

Hi guys,

Mostly the title. Let's say my commands are stored in a text file "inFile". Here was my best guess:

<dir to iris> console IRIS2018 <inFile

For reference, here's an example of the analogous structure that works on Cache:

C:\InterSystems\Cache2018\bin\cache -s C:\InterSystems\Cache2018\mgr -U <namespace to start as> <inFile

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· Oct 25, 2018
Healthshare Health Insight

I need help in health insight. I am trying to generate reports on deep see but i am not able to pull in the patient ids as these are our requirements for the project. Can anyone help me in unlocking this feature.
Can anyone help me with link to correct documentation on how to access the edge gateways of multiple facilities to access the clinical data on sql explorer.

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0 454
· Dec 4, 2018
%Unit Test Case

This is the class which I want to test.

Class GSK.MyTestUnit Extends %RegisteredObject

ClassMethod Add(num1 As %Integer, num2 As %Integer)
s res=num1+num2
q res

This is my testing class.

Class GSK.TestingClass Extends %UnitTest.TestCase

Method test()
Do $$$AssertEquals(##class(GSK.MyTestUnit).Add(3,8),41, "Test Add(2,2)=4 passed ")
do $$$AssertNotEquals(##class(GSK.MyTestUnit).Add(3,8),11,"pass/fail")


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I am trying to use %INLIST in SQL query using a cursor and the query fails to return results. It appears that the variable I use against %INLIST returns an empty string. All the examples I have seen use result sets and build the query as a string. Is it possible to use %INLIST in a cursor-based query? Below is a a snippet of the code I am using:

Property mylist as %String (MAXLEN="") [InitialExpression = "route1, route2, route3"];

set routeList = $LISTBUILD(mylist)




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0 633

In looking at the Production monitor within Ensemble, I was wondering if there is a way we could customize it for our use. I notice it is basically a dashboard.

For example I would only like to truly display those Services, Processes, and Operations that are truly in dire need of attention. The Monitor out of the box just seems too busy, and I would like to simplify it.

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· Dec 3, 2018
DC October-November 2018 release

Hi Community!

As you know or maybe guess we keep working on making Developer Community a better place for you, developers on InterSystems Data Platforms.

And here is the release on what we did in October-November.

Key visible enhancements:

better monthly digests,

InterSystems Best Practices,

Speed up mailings.

And a lot of small, but nice things - check the details inside.

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0 168

It was mentioned in an earlier version of the IRIS documentation that IRIS and Cache should not be installed on the same physical server (port clashes?).

I can't see this warning in the current version of the documentation.

Could someone clarify if this has been resolved in the latest release of IRIS?

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I bet that not everyone familiar with InterSystems Caché knows about Studio extensions for working with the source code. You can actually use the Studio to create your own type of source code, compile it into interpretable (INT) and object code, and sometimes even add code completion support. That is, theoretically, you can make the Studio support any programming language that will be executed by the DBMS just as well as Caché ObjectScript. In this article, I will give you a simple example of writing programs in Caché Studio using a language that resembles JavaScript. If you are interested, please read along.

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