If you know the port and you want to check it status, you can issue the terminal command lsof -i:<<portno>>
For example I have a docker image running on port 80, as you can see there are processes attached to this port making it unavailable
(base) USMBP16pjamieso:FHIRZPM pjamieso$ lsof -i :80
trustd 1208 pjamieso 23u IPv4 0x5eb92c9816be8ddf 0t0 TCP usmbp16pjamieso.fios-router.home:53920-> (ESTABLISHED)
trustd 1208 pjamieso 27u IPv4 0x5eb92c98164d7a1f 0t0 TCP usmbp16pjamieso.fios-router.home:53921-> (ESTABLISHED)
com.docke 7158 pjamieso 755u IPv6 0x5eb92c9337bb54a7 0t0 TCP *:http (LISTEN)
Haitem, I think there could be a misunderstanding. When you create a SQL projection of FHIR resources in your repository using the IRIS FHIR SQL Builder, the FHIR repository and the projected tables are automatically kept up to date. As you add FHIR data into your FHIR Repository, the projected table will contain the new data. Thus you don't need to take any action to perform real-time FHIR analytics.

@Evgeny Shvarov the port to use is the port to communicate with the FHIR repository on IRIS for Health. For the community edition with the webgateway running on IRIS for Health, the port is 52773. When I use no PWS and the Webgateway the port is the webgateway port which frequently is port 80.