Often InterSystems technology architect team is asked about recommended storage arrays or storage technologies. To provide this information to a wider audience as reference, a new series is started to provide some of the results we have encountered with various storage technologies. As a general recommendation, all-flash storage is highly recommended with all InterSystems products to provide the lowest latency and predictable IOPS capabilities.

The first in the series was the most recently tested Netapp AFF A300 storage array. This is middle-tier type storage array with several higher models above it. This specific A300 model is capable of supporting a minimal configuration of only a few drives to hundreds of drives per HA pair, and also capable of being clustered with multiple controller pairs for tens of PB's of disk capacity and hundreds of thousands of IOPS or higher.

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It is with great pleasure that the CIUSSS de l'Estrie - CHUS is sharing the mocking framework it developed and presented at the InterSystems Summit 2017. I will update this post with more detailed instructions in the next few weeks but I wanted to share the code and presentation quickly :


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Continuing on with providing some examples of various storage technologies and their performance profiles, this time we looked at the growing trend of leveraging internal commodity-based server storage, specifically the new HPE Cloudline 3150 Gen10 AMD processor-based single socket servers with two 3.2TB Samsung PM1725a NVMe drives.

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· May 21, 2018
How is your code health

As a developer, usually I'm concerned about how my code health is, and how the other coders code can affect to my own work. And I'm quite sure most of us feel very similar.

In our company we use a Static Code Analysis tool to analyze code for different languages to ensure we are writing high quality and easily maintainable code by following a few best practices in terms of code structure and content. And the question was: why should be different for Caché ObjectScript language?

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Hello everyone,

Does anyone know how to create integration tests using the Cache unit test framework in order to test an Ensemble production?

For example, what would be the best way to create automated tests for a BPL that calls multiple business operations (SQL, WebService ...)?

Should we create some kind of mock service/operation to simulate the response from the business operations ?

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Astronomers’ tools

5 years ago, on December 19, 2013, the ESA launched an orbital telescope called Gaia. Learn more about the Gaia mission on the official website of the European Space Agency or in the article by Vitaly Egorov (Billion pixels for a billion stars).

However, few people know what technology the agency chose for storing and processing the data collected by Gaia. Two years before the launch, in 2011, the developers were considering a number of candidates (see “Astrostatistics and Data Mining” by Luis Manuel Sarro, Laurent Eyer, William O’Mullane, Joris De Ridder, pp. 111-112):

Comparing the technologies side-by-side produced the following results (source):

Technology Time
DB2 13min55s
PostgreSQL 8 14min50s
PostgreSQL 9 6min50s
Hadoop 3min37s
Cassandra 3min37s
Caché 2min25s

The first four will probably sound familiar even to schoolchildren. But what is Caché XEP?

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· Mar 1, 2018
Cucumber / Gherkin integration

Are there any BDD testing automation implementations within Mumps/Cache Objects already in existence?

We are looking at using Cucumber for our Java regression test automation and would like to use similar feature file testing with the Cache code.

Looking to use something existing before building it.


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InterSystems and Intel recently conducted a series of benchmarks combining InterSystems IRIS with 2nd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors, also known as “Cascade Lake”, and Intel® Optane™ DC Persistent Memory (DCPMM). The goals of these benchmarks are to demonstrate the performance and scalability capabilities of InterSystems IRIS with Intel’s latest server technologies in various workload settings and server configurations. Along with various benchmark results, three different use-cases of Intel DCPMM with InterSystems IRIS are provided in this report.

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OAuth server to be deployed on the IRIS learning cloud platform. Clients - one on the other instance of the learning IRIS server, the other client locally on my computer in the container docker.

Both clients get a seemingly correct link (through ##class(%SYS.OAuth2.Authorization).GetAuthorizationCodeEndpoint()) to the login request form:

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· Oct 20, 2016
%UnitTest Code Coverage


When we write unit test cases for cache object script code using %UnitTest.TestCase, what is the best way to write code to identify code coverage?

So, let say my unit test case hit all 10 lines of code of a method for a given class. So, unit test coverage should be 100% for that. But, using line-by-line coverage [(%Monitor.System.LineByLine] getting wrong percentage, because it also includes code comment/documentation as part of code. So, practically we can not ever achieve 100% of code coverage by using this API.

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It seems like yesterday when we did a small project in Java to test the performance of IRIS, PostgreSQL and MySQL (you can review the article we wrote back in June at the end of this article). If you remember, IRIS was superior to PostgreSQL and clearly superior to MySQL in insertions, with no big difference in queries.

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Good morning people.
The use of TDD is currently being reference for software delivery more confiabilitade and quality.

At the company I work developing web applications , we create tests for method class in a deteminado package and running the steps that the documentation recommends:

1 export the tests classes to a predefined folder.
2- And running the test ( D ## class (% UnitTest.Manager ) .RunTest (,"/nodelete" )

It is a lot of work to do the export and run these tests would have a resource that we could only run the tests without the need for export ?

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· May 7, 2020 4m read
Unit Testing with ZPM

Hi Developers!

I want to share with you the approach you can use working with Unit Testing which I personally find very convenient and robust.

Will not talk much here about Unit Testing, we have documentation, enough good articles on the topic not only on the Internet but here on Developers Community too, e.g. this one.

How can you manage the Unit Testing of your ZPM module?

This is pretty handy with ZPM. It has a special command "test" which runs all the tests you mentioned in the module. You can execute it as shown below:

zpm:USER>module-name test

And this command runs all the tests you mentioned in module.xml.

Let's see how it works.

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· Apr 4, 2020 1m read
Websocket Echo server IRIS

In Caché you had an example of a WebSocket Server in namespace SAMPLES
With IRIS the samples are gone and require additional installation effort.

So I refurbished the code with some useful additions:

  • independent of namespace
  • timeout control from client
  • readable communication log

This contains 2 classes:

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We are upgrading from Health Connect 2018.1.3 to IRIS Health Connect 2022.1, and one thing that we are particularly hesitant about is if our Business Rules will work in the new version.

I am trying to come up with a testing process for bulk testing our rules, and wanted to know if this could be done programmatically instead of having to modify all the Business Operations to have them write the HL7 data to a file. I caught Orlando Health's presentation at GS2022 but I am not sure that will work for my team.

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A few years ago, I was teaching the basics of our %UnitTest framework during Caché Foundations class (now called Developing Using InterSystems Objects and SQL). A student asked if it was possible to collect performance statistics while running unit tests. A few weeks later, I added some additional code to the %UnitTest examples to answer this question. I’m finally sharing it on the Community.

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I needed to know programmatically if last ran failed or not.

After some exploring, here's the code:

ClassMethod isLastTestOk() As %Boolean
  set in = ##class(%UnitTest.Result.TestInstance).%OpenId(^UnitTest.Result)
  for i=1:1:in.TestSuites.Count() {
    #dim suite As %UnitTest.Result.TestSuite
    set suite = in.TestSuites.GetAt(i)
    return:suite.Status=0 $$$NO
  quit $$$YES

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· Oct 19, 2019
Common Testing Frameworks.


I'm after feedback and comments on the sort of tools and approaches the wider InterSystems community uses for QA Testing applications written in Cache/Ensemble or IRIS. I am aware of the %UnitTest package, and understand how that works... but:

- Do you use an alternative or framework built around this native Unit Testing tool ?

- What is your experience with %UnitTest if you use it ?

- Is there a tool you would recommend for your UI (I know this is not specifically an InterSystems' related question)

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