· Feb 5, 2023 4m read

iris-tripleslash - let's rock together

Hey everyone, 

Here we are again. New year, new contest, new project, old reasons.

Triple Slash is in the house!

1999, the year I learned how to code, my first "if," my first "Hello world."

I still remember my teacher explaining to everyone in that classroom the simple "while" and how we can figure out if a specific condition was achieved @Renato Banzai do you remember that? Teacher Barbosa, what a unique guy.   

Since then, I have loved the idea of coding, transforming ideas into projects, into something useful. But we all know that to create something, we need to make sure it's working; we need not only create but test if it's working and if it doesn't break if we add something new.

And to be honest with all of you, creating tests it's boring. At least for me, nothing against you if you like to do it.

Using a poor analogy, I can say that creating testing methods is like cleaning your house or ironing your clothes. It's boring, but it's necessary if you want something better.  

With that in mind, why not create a better and easiest way to test? 

So, inspired in elixir style and in this idea from InterSystems Ideas (Thanks @Evgeny Shvarov)! We tried to improve the testing process and turn it into an enjoyable task again.

We simplify the %UnitTest and to show you how to use TripleSlash to create your unit tests, let use a simple example.

Let's say you have the following class and method which you'd like to write a unit test:

Class dc.sample.ObjectScript
ClassMethod TheAnswerForEverything() As %Integer

   Set a = 42
   Write "Hello World!",!

   Write "This is InterSystems IRIS with version ",$zv,!

   Write "Current time is: "_$zdt($h,2)

   Return a


As you can see, the TheAnswerForEverything() method just retruns the number 42. So, let mark in the method documentation how TripleSlash should create a unit test for this method:

/// A simple method for testing purpose.
/// <example>
/// Write ##class(dc.sample.ObjectScript).Test()
/// 42
/// </example>
ClassMethod TheAnswerForEverything() As %Integer

Unit tests must be enclosed by tag <example></example>. You can add any kind of documentation, but all tests must be within such a tag.

Now, start an IRIS terminal session, go to IRISAPP namespace, create an instance of the Core class passing the class name (or its package name for all its classes) and then run the Execute() method:

IRISAPP>Do ##class(iris.tripleSlash.Core).%New("dc.sample.ObjectScript").Execute()

TripleSlash will interpret this like "Given the result of the Test() method, asserts that it is equals to 42". So, a new class will be create within the unit test:

Class iris.tripleSlash.tst.ObjectScript Extends %UnitTest.TestCase

Method TestTheAnswerForEverything()
    Do $$$AssertEquals(##class(dc.sample.ObjectScript).TheAnswerForEverything(), 42)


Now let's add a new method for testing other ways to tell TripleSlash on how to write your unit tests.

Class dc.sample.ObjectScript

ClassMethod GuessTheNumber(pNumber As %Integer) As %Status
    Set st = $$$OK
    Set theAnswerForEveryThing = 42
    Try {
        Throw:(pNumber '= theAnswerForEveryThing) ##class(%Exception.StatusException).%New("Sorry, wrong number...")
    } Catch(e) {
        Set st = e.AsStatus()

    Return st



As you can see, the GuessTheNumber() method expects a number, returns $$$OK just when the number 42 is passed or an error for any other value. So, let mark in the method documentation that how TripleSlash should create a unit test for this method:

/// Another simple method for testing purpose.
/// <example>
/// Do ##class(dc.sample.ObjectScript).GuessTheNumber(42)
/// $$$OK
/// Do ##class(dc.sample.ObjectScript).GuessTheNumber(23)
/// $$$NotOK
/// </example>
ClassMethod GuessTheNumber(pNumber As %Integer) As %Status

Run again the Execute() method and you'll see a new test method in unit test class iris.tripleSlash.tst.ObjectScript:

Class iris.tripleSlash.tst.ObjectScript Extends %UnitTest.TestCase

Method TestGuessTheNumber()

    Do $$$AssertStatusOK(##class(dc.sample.ObjectScript).GuessTheNumber(42))
    Do $$$AssertStatusNotOK(##class(dc.sample.ObjectScript).GuessTheNumber(23))


Currently, the following assertions are available: $$$AssertStatusOK, $$$AssertStatusNotOK and $$$AssertEquals

TripleSlash allows us to generate tests from code examples found in method descriptions. It helps you to kill two birds with one stone, improving your class documentation and creating test automation. 


Once again, we would like to thank you for all the support from the community in each of the applications we create.

If you found our app interesting and contributed some insight, please vote for iris-tripleslash and help us on this journey! laugh

Discussion (8)3
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This is a nice project and sure to be very useful.

Just for fun I thought it would be interesting to see what ChatGPT had to say about it.  So I asked the question:

Give me some unit tests for this code:
Class dc.sample.ObjectScript 
ClassMethod TheAnswerForEverything() As %Integer
    Set a = 42
    Write "Hello World!",!
    Write "This is InterSystems IRIS with version ",$zv,!
    Write "Current time is: "_$zdt($h,2)
    Return a
This was what ChatGPT gave as a response:
Here are some unit tests for the dc.sample.ObjectScript class:
  1. Test the return value of TheAnswerForEverything method: This test should check if the method returns the expected value of 42.
Class dc.sample.ObjectScriptTest Extends %UnitTest.Case 
Method testTheAnswerForEverything() As %Status 
    set answer = ##class(dc.sample.ObjectScript).TheAnswerForEverything() 
    set expectedAnswer = 42 
    do $assert(answer = expectedAnswer, "The answer is incorrect") 
    Quit $$$OK 


  1. Test the output of the method: This test should check if the method writes the expected output to the console.
Class dc.sample.ObjectScriptTest Extends %UnitTest.Case 
Method testTheAnswerForEverythingOutput() As %Status 
    set sc = ##class(dc.sample.ObjectScript).TheAnswerForEverything() 
    set expectedOutput = "Hello World!\r\nThis is InterSystems IRIS with version "_$zv_"\r\nCurrent time is: "_$zdt($h,2) 
    do $assert($io.output = expectedOutput, "The output is incorrect") 
    Quit $$$OK 


  1. Test the output format: This test should check if the method writes the output in the expected format.
Class dc.sample.ObjectScriptTest Extends %UnitTest.Case 
Method testTheAnswerForEverythingFormat() As %Status 
    set sc = ##class(dc.sample.ObjectScript).TheAnswerForEverything() 
    set expectedOutput = "Hello World!\r\nThis is InterSystems IRIS with version "_$zv_"\r\nCurrent time is: "_$zdt($h,2) 
    do $assert($io.output = expectedOutput, "The output format is incorrect") 
    Quit $$$OK 


So I found this quite interesting.  $assert($io.output.. is obviously wrong but the rest is correct enough to give a head start on writing some test cases and we can only expect ChatGPT to get better and better.