As an IT and cloud team manager with 18 years of experience with InterSystems technologies, I recently led our team in the transformation of our traditional on-premises ERP system to a cloud-based solution. We embarked on deploying InterSystems IRIS within a Kubernetes environment on AWS EKS, aiming to achieve a scalable, performant, and secure system. Central to this endeavor was the utilization of the AWS Application Load Balancer (ALB) as our ingress controller.

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Importance and Collection of Exact Version Information ($zv / $zversion)
The explanation of:
- why collecting $zv is important (The WHY),
- what the components of $zv mean (The WHAT),
- and how to collect $zv (The HOW).
(The Ultimate $zv Guide to the ISC Galaxy in large, friendly letters)
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Are you all ready for something you wish you knew ages ago (or, in my case, a DECADE ago)? Open up a portal in your favorite instance and go to:

System Administration->Configuration->Additional Settings->Startup

Scroll down to "Terminal Prompt" and click 'Edit'. This allows you to edit what you see on your terminal prompt. You can change that to my current setting: 8,3,2

What does this do? It adds your instance name for your prompt. So now your prompt can look like:


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Hi Community,

This is my first post in the developer community - would appreciate any feedback!

For testing or demo purposes, you may want to send emails from your Interoperability Production. In this post then I will walk you through connecting an InterSystems IRIS Production to Gmail so you can use it to send emails alerts.

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· Jun 1, 2023 1m read
How to shrink the IRISTemp database

InterSystems FAQ rubric

You can set the maximum size of the IRISTemp database at IRIS startup by setting a configuration parameter called MaxIRISTempSizeAtStart.

After setting, the system will truncate IRISTemp to the set value (MB) at the next IRIS startup. If the current size is less than the specified MaxIRISTempSizeAtStart, no truncation will occur. Also, if 0 is specified, truncation will not be performed, so the size will start without changing. (Default) Settings are made from the menu below.

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The new production component driver for Deltanji enables highly granular management of InterSystems Interoperability Productions with tight integration into the management portal. We presented it at the InterSystems UK&I summit this week and it received a great reception. 

It solves the current pain-point of Interoperability Productions being defined in a single monolithic class definition. Deltanji source control increases the granularity with which items can be managed. Instead of versioning a single class definition containing all the configuration items, this new component driver allows individual configuration items to be managed separately. Each configuration item has its own versioning and revision history and can be checked-out, checked-in, and deployed independently of any other items in the same Production.

Because each configuration item within a production class is managed by Deltanji as a first-class component in its own right, Deltanji provides all the source control, versioning, and workflow capabilities that it provides for any other component.

Watch the below clip to see it in action. 


We'll be talking about this new feature in more detail at our User Group Session on November 3rd at 3pm (GMT). Register your attendance on Eventbrite here -

To find out more about Deltanji, visit our website or drop us an email 

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When I start a fresh installed IRIS or a Container I always find Interoperabiliy (aka. Ensemble) mapped to namespace USER.

Is there any utility to remove this mapping by a click ?
unmapping it global by global, routine by routine, Package by Package is just a boring exercise.

To be clear: I look for a utility inside IRIS.

The external utility is obvious: Notepad (or any other text editor)
- clean iris,cpf,
- restart IRIS
It's fast, it's efficient, but it's really hardcore.

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I have been walking through this with a few team members and as such I thought there might be others out there who could use it, especially if you work with HL7 & Ensemble/HealthConnect/HealthShare and never venture out past the Interoperability section.

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This article contains the tutorial document for a Global Summit academy session on Text Categorization and provides a helpful starting point to learn about Text Categorization and how iKnow can help you to implement Text Categorization models. This document was originally prepared by Kerry Kirkham and Max Vershinin and should work based on the sample data provided in the SAMPLES namespace.

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Hi developers!

If you missed our presentation at the InterSystems UK&I Summit and our demo during the Source Control roundtable, but you still want to find out more about source control for Interoperability Productions... there’s another chance to see it at our User Group Session next Thursday, November 3rd at 3pm (GMT)

The new driver enables highly granular management of Interoperability Productions with tight integration into the InterSystems IRIS management management portal. 

Sign up via eventbrite here >>

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Introducing a new component driver for Deltanji source control, which enables highly granular management of InterSystems Interoperability Productions with tight integration into the management portal

InterSystems Interoperability Productions are defined in a single monolithic class definition. A production can contain many hundreds or thousands of configuration items. This presents a problem if multiple developers are working on different Business Processes within the same production simultaneously. Simultaneous development is almost inevitable for large productions containing many configuration items. 

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· Apr 20, 2021 3m read
Why gj :: locate?

You may think it isn’t too difficult to get from label+offset^routine to the actual source line responsible for the error. For an expert it isn't that hard... most of the time. But there are enough oddities and special rules that even an expert can get it wrong, whilst spending a lot of time trying to get there.

gj :: locate is the latest tool from George James Software – it debugs any error, class or routine by converting the location of an error in compiled .int code to the corresponding location in your source, and then taking you right there.

Image this scenario…

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Setting up Management Portal Help Pages for Full WebServers

On each page of the System Management Portal, there is a “Help” button. This takes users to an article in documentation that describes the page functionality and use.

Caché provides local documentation for all of these articles.

InterSystems IRIS does not provide local documentation. Instead, the Help button will redirect users to the articles in the online documentation at

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In the discussions at one notable topic has been that some Studio users make regular use of its facilities for exporting multiple code artifacts (e.g. classes and routines) into a single XML file on the workstation, then exporting that file into a different server namespace.

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Recently I was conducting a remote support session with a site. The desktop they were sharing with me was on a PC configured with German as the native language. Since my German is rather rusty, and virtually non-existent when it comes to computing terms, I was glad to be able to switch the Portal session into English.

This is done from the page that appears when you use the About link:

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Hello to all developers and IRIS users.
I am submitting to the competition a project for an alternative IRIS management portal that I have long wanted to create. The project was implemented on the Django framework and the intersystems_irispython-3.2.0-py3-none-any.whl library using native IRIS. The Django project is integrated with the telegram messenger and can be launched from a docker container or directly.

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To prepare a migration to IRIS I use Docker images.
The (aged) application is built around Caché Terminal
And on Windows, IRIS uses the same ctelnetd.exe as Caché.

In my Docker installation, Telnet Settings are just grayed out in SMP.
and my Terminal can't 'connect.
Port mapping is OK and verified with TCP

Working from the console in Docker with the whole set of ESC and
screen formatting is not acceptable.
We tried WebTerminal but there is just no Partition behind as in Terminal.

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Most websites have a "Fav.ico" file that sets what the icon is for the webpage. Most users have multiple environments, Dev/Test/Live. Often it can be difficult at a glance to see which environment you are in at a time. Wouldn't it be nice to visually see what version you are in? In this example all the instances are called the same and are named "ENSEMBLE". Note that this is certainly IRIS FOR HEALTH as is used on 2022.1

The default Icon is IR

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Announcing gj :: locate. A simple extension for VS Code that will help you get to the source of your errors.

In VS Code, using either the Serenji extension or the basic InterSystems objectscript extension, this small add-on will open the appropriate class or routine and position you at the exact line where an error occurred.

No more tedious counting of lines to find <UNDEFINED>zCredit+206^Ledger.Invoice.1. Instead, with gj :: locate you can get there with just a couple of clicks.

This 20 second video tells it all:

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