· Oct 3, 2023 3m read

Configuring email alerts with Gmail on IRIS management portal

Hi Community,

This is my first post in the developer community - would appreciate any feedback!

For testing or demo purposes, you may want to send emails from your Interoperability Production. In this post then I will walk you through connecting an InterSystems IRIS Production to Gmail so you can use it to send emails alerts.

1. Set up a new Gmail

  1. Create a new Gmail account and document the username and password for future references.
  2. Go into the Settings icon on the top right corner of the gmail interface then click on "See all settings". Then, in "Forwarding and POP/IMAP" enable POP for all mail and enable IMAP.
  3. In "Accounts and Import" go to "Other Google account settings". Enable two-factor authentication, then in the search bar find "App passwords":
  4. Click into App passwords and create one by designating it an app name. Then copy + paste the generated password from the system and store it, careful not to include spaces before and after valid digits or delete spaces in between digits. This will be used in 2.3 as you configure credentials.

2. IRIS Management Portal set up

  1. Create a new namespace with interoperability.
  2. Create a new production. In the production, add a simple email alert processor as a business operation.
  3. In Interoperability -> Configure -> Credentials, Click "New" to create a new set of credentials. The ID field can be an arbitrary name of your choice. For "User Name" input your new Gmail address and for "Password" input the generated password from Gmail from step 1.4. Remember to check for potential extra spaces.
  4. Return to your production. Click on the alert operation and configure the settings as such:
  • In Basic Settings:
    • SMTP Server:
    • SMTP Port: 587
    • Credentials: select the credential you just created from the dropdown
  • In Connection Settings:
    • SSL Configurations: ISC.FeatureTracker.SSL.Config* (Be sure to include the * to enable StartTLS)
  • OAuth2 and OAuth2 Grant Specific: Leave empty
  • In Additional Settings:
    • Recipient: Email that you wish to receive alerts
    • From: The newly created Gmail used to send alerts
  • Configure other settings as personalized and click Apply.

3. Testing the alert processor

  1. Start the production and make sure the alert processor is enabled.
  2. Click on the processor and go to Actions -> Test.
  3. In the pop up window, select "Request Type" as Ens.AlertRequest. SourceConfigName (will show up in email header) and AlertText (will show up in email body) fields are mandatory and remaining fields are optional.
  4. To test your email alert, click on "Invoke Testing Service". If successful, you should see "Email sent via" in your production log and an email in your designated mailbox.


Finally, here is an example of a email you may receive:

Thanks for reading!


P.S. In order for the email to send, if you are functioning in the Cambridge ISC office and running a local IRIS instance, use iscguest as your wifi connection instead of iscradius.

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it seems smtp connection failed is generic issue. please try to check the configuration of SMTP server , port and username/password. if all good then test the connection using any tools from local. As well, need to enable the gmail to use as smtp server. Please refer this article . If you provide more detail we can find out the specific issue.