
Hi Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Developing Progressive Web Apps
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One of the most important features during application development is the ability to debug your code easily. Because of the asynchrnous nature, a standard Node.js application server works single-threaded by default. When you are developing applications using an IDE like Visual Studio Code, you can very easily debug your Node.js process:

First, download the free Visual Studio Code IDE (@code) and install it on your development machine.

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· Oct 6, 2020 2m read
An overview of npm-iris

What is npm-iris?

N.P.M stands for "No Project Mess."

N.P.M. is a Project & Task Management app that uses InterSystems IRIS and Bootstrap 4.

No Project Mess is created to help developers and small business companies to reduce complexity in their daily problems, with a simple and intuitive projects and tasks management software.

It offers different views for your tasks, from a spreadsheet, kanban, calendar, or even Gantt!

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In our last lesson, we added some formatting and validation to our Edit Widget form. So, now we are ready to add the ability to add new Widgets to our application. However, the great Widget Wars have come to an abrupt end, as Widget Direct has purchased its biggest competitor, WorldWideWidgets. In order to maintain some continuity, we need to display their catalog on our new application.

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Hi Community,

In this article I will demonstrate below steps to add Interactive map and visualize geographic data to web application:

  • Step1 : Install Application
  • Step2 : Create CSP Page
  • Step3 : Extend dc.IrisGeoMap.Folium class
  • Step4 : Invoke DrawGeoDetails() Method

So Let us start.

Step1 : Install Application

First of all we need to install iris-geo-map application by using ZPM

zpm "install iris-geo-map"

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· Oct 20, 2018
Looking for work

Hi every body

I hope it's the right place & I'm not offending any body.

I'm a veteran Mumps/Cache/Ensemble programmer . I think my only draw back is my age, although my brain is still young & bubbly.

I'm looking a long time for work without success.

I gathered a lot of knowledge & experience during those long years , developed many projects & i'm ready to do any work only to feel useful.

I'll add my resume, I hope & wish that this post will bring some change as I'm desperate to get some work.

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Hi Community,

This article is a continuation of my article about Getting to know Python Flask Web Framework

In this article, we will cover the basics of topics listed below:

1. Routing in Flask Framework
2. Folder structure for a Flask app (Static and Template)
3. Getting and displaying data in the Flask application from IRIS.

So, let's begin.

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For a long time I have wanted to learn the Django framework, but another more pressing project has always taken priority. Like many developers, I use python when it comes to machine learning, but when I first learned web programming PHP was still enjoying primacy, and so when it was time for me to pick up a new complicated framework for creating web applications to publish my machine learning work, I still turned to PHP.

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Users of analytical applications often need to generate and send out PDF reports comprised of elements of the analytical panel. In the InterSystems stack, this task is solved using the DSW Reports project that is an extension of DeepSeeWeb. In this article, we will explain how to use DSW Reports for generating PDF reports and emailing them.

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