I'd like to announce the release of something really rather interesting - revolutionary in fact. That may sound like hyperbole, but I don't think you'll have seen anything quite like this, or even thought it possible!

We've pushed out a new JavaScript/Node.js module named glsdb which you can read all about here in detail:


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Using VECTOR_COSINE() in SQL query to perform a text similarity search on existing embeddings in a %VECTOR column.

Code is below.

Commented out sql query returns this error: SQLCODE: -29 Field 'NEW_EMBEDDING_STR' not found in the applicable tables^ SELECT TOP ? maxID , activity , outcome FROMMain .AITest ORDER BY VECTOR_COSINE ( new_embedding_str ,

Sql query as written returns ERROR #5002: ObjectScript error: <PYTHON EXCEPTION> *<class 'OSError'>: isc_stdout_write: PyArg_ParseTuple failed!

0 10
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You may have heard about our mg-dbx-napi interface for IRIS which provides insanely fast access from Node.js. If you've been following recent developments in the server-side JavaScript world, you'll be excited to know that mg-dbx-napi also works with Bun.js, the latter proving to be significantly faster than Node.js for many/most purposes.

Of course, if you're a Node.js user, you'll probably wonder how mg-dbx-napi compares with the Native API for Node.js that is included with IRIS.

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Hi community,

The aim of this article is to explain how to create messaging between IRIS and Microsoft Teams.

In my company, we wanted to monitor error messages, and we used the Ens.Alert class to redirect those error messages through a Business Operation that sent an email.
The problem was that we sent those error messages to a support account where there were many emails. We wanted something specific for a specific team.

So we investigated how to make these messages reach the development team directly and they could have, in real time, a notification of an error in our production.
In our company we use Microsoft Teams as a corporate tool, so we asked ourselves: How could we make these messages reach the IRIS development team?

30 14
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Hi Community,

Dive into the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Near Real-Time Analytics with InterSystems IRIS & Debezium Change Data Capture @ Global Summit 2023

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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I am exploring a way to make IRIS an immutable system where the production/operation IRIS is never changed. Changes are only made in Development, and then the "version" is copied to production/operation and stated.

For this to work, I will need data (objects) on a file share and the IRIS system on different systems. When the "new" version spins up, it will use the latest data.

I do not know if I can or how to separate "object data" from classes and code.

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What I find really useful about IRIS when teaching my subject of Postrelational databases is the fact that it is a multi model database. Which means that I can actually go into architecture and structure and all that only once but then show the usage of different models (like object, document, hierarchy) using the same language and approach. And it is not a huge leap to go from an object oriented programming language (like C#, Java etc) to an object oriented database.

However, along with advantages (which are many) come some drawbacks when we switch from object oriented model to relational. When I say that you can get access to the same data using different models I need to also explain how it is possible to work with lists and arrays from object model in relational table. With arrays it is very simple - by default they are represented as separate tables and that's the end of it. With lists - it's harder because by default it's a string. But one still wants to do something about it without damaging the structure and making this list unreadable in the object model.

So in this article I will showcase a couple of predicates and a function that are useful when working with lists, and not just as fields.

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I found an issue while fetching records from FHIR DB, I am getting below error thou FHIR repository have the records with the corresponding id


"resourceType": "OperationOutcome",

"issue": [


"severity": "error",

"code": "not-found",

"diagnostics": "<HSFHIRErr>ResourceNotFound",

"details": {

"text": "No resource with type 'Appointment' and id '21'"





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· Jan 8 9m read
IRIS Document Database (DocDB)

InterSystems IRIS Document Database (DocDB) offers a flexible and dynamic approach to managing database data. DocDB embraces the power of JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), providing a schema-less environment for storing and retrieving data.

It is a powerful tool, enables developers to bypass a ton of boiler plate code in interaction with existing applications, serialization, pagination and integration. the seamless flow of DocDB with Interoperability Rest services and operations, gives a big leap in API production and management.

for full DocDB documentation Here. in the context of this article i will showcase a use case in which DocDB will make a perfect fit.

10 1
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Hey Developers,

Watch the latest video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

How to Migrate off the Private Web Server - Windows

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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In cache studio there are features, dialog boxes, that help map data from a global to class properties.
I have used %CacheSQLStorage quit a bit, or have in the past, to map globals to classes.

I haven't been able to find a similar feature in VisualStudio.
Do I need to upgrade to IRIS to be able to use VisualStudio to map global properties to classes?

Thanks for your time,

1 2
0 104

In ObjectScript you have a wide collection of functions that return some value

set variable = $somefunction(param1,param2, ...)

There is nothing special about that.
But there is a set of functions that I classify as LEFT SIDED
The specialty of them is that you can use them also on the left of the equal operator
as a target in the SET command:

set $somefunction(param1,param2, ...) = value

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I'm trying to change the Stream property inside a DTL with a Source Class of Ens.StreamContainer. The code, below, will change it within the DTL testing tool, but running an actual message through the Production's Process doesn't change the Stream property. I can change other properties of Ens.StreamContainer by using the normal Set action and it is reflected when running it through the Process. For context, this uses a FTP service to grab a file. Any thoughts on why I can't just write modified stream data to the Stream property?

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Recently, the question came up while discussing the access to the data stored in IRIS from different languages with my students if it was possible to initiate the connection and get data from Cloud solution (InterSystems IRIS CloudSQL) from Microsoft Excel, not the other way around. Considering the many varied ways one can get data in Excel (import data from external sources, connecting to databases using ODBC drivers, using power queries and web queries etc.) the obvious choice was to try ODBC driver. The only task left was to try to connect to the database in the cloud using the ODBC driver.

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· Mar 19
Support for Java 17+

Any prevision when Java 17 or superior will be released?

Java 11 is not used any more, because vulnerabilities, security problems and new java resources not present in 11 version

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is getting a lot of attention lately because it can change many areas of our lives. Better computer power and more data have helped AI do amazing things, like improving medical tests and making self-driving cars. AI can also help businesses make better decisions and work more efficiently, which is why it's becoming more popular and widely used. How can one integrate the OpenAI API calls into an existing IRIS Interoperability application?

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As an IT and cloud team manager with 18 years of experience with InterSystems technologies, I recently led our team in the transformation of our traditional on-premises ERP system to a cloud-based solution. We embarked on deploying InterSystems IRIS within a Kubernetes environment on AWS EKS, aiming to achieve a scalable, performant, and secure system. Central to this endeavor was the utilization of the AWS Application Load Balancer (ALB) as our ingress controller.

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8 372

I am trying to use postman to start the restapi classes from a json openapi2.0.0 file.

POST: https://myserver.com/api/mgmnt/v2/requestAPI. The body contains the openapi2.0.0. The application api/mgmnt has in security settings: password. JWT is not selected. I set postman authentication to basis authentication and gave username and password. I also set in headers IRISUsername and IRISPassword. I have 401 Unauthorized.

Is the only way to go through is to build an oauth token? or do I miss something?

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I have been walking through this with a few team members and as such I thought there might be others out there who could use it, especially if you work with HL7 & Ensemble/HealthConnect/HealthShare and never venture out past the Interoperability section.

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