· 8 hr ago 1m read

Connecting IRIS to SQL Server using ODBC connection

In this tutorial, I will discuss how can you connect your IRIS data platform to sql server db  .




Step 1: Run ODBC data sources  

Step 2: Go to System DSN tab and click add:


Step 3: Select "ODBC Driver for SQL Server" and click finish

Step 4: Then fill in the server details:


Step 5: 




Step 6: Then click next


Step 7: Then click finish


You can verify the connection by this window



Now open IRIS management portal:

Go to: System administration -> Configuration -> Connectivity -> SQL Gateway Connections

Click create new connection

Step 8:  Fill in the details: and test the connection


Note if you cant see the DSN: Make sure you selected the correct driver in step 3, and at System DSN level. 


And now you have established the connection! 

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