· Jan 10 1m read

2024.3 Auditing Highlight - Finer-grained SQL Statement Events

Auditing is a critical capability ensuring the security of your server, and for quite a while ago we have included the ability to audit SQL statements run on the server.

With v2024.3 out already we're providing finer-grained options for defining these events to audit.

Previously you could decide to audit SQL statements according to the access mechanism, e.g. running statements from JDBC/ODBC vs. embedded SQL (e.g. using &sql in your code) vs. Dynamic SQL (e.g. using %SQL.Statement in code, or for example using the Mgmt. Portal's SQL Query Execution, or from the SQL Shell in the terminal), and now, in addition to this, you can decide to audit only certain types of statements (per the access mechanism, as previously possible). These types are:

  • DDL (Data Definition Language) - 

Statements that change database elements, settings, or other things that aren't data. E.g. CREATE / ALTER TABLE

  • DML (Data Manipulation Language) - 

Statements that change data. E.g. INSERT / UPDATE / DELETE

  • Utility

Statements that don't change data nor metadata, but instead change the status of the process or machine learning models.

  • Query

Statements that execute or define a query that can return data. E.g. SELECT

This is the list of the related events you can now find in the Audit Events configuration:

See more information in the related Docs and related Release Notes.

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