Thank you Trent! This will come in handy the next time I need to investigate things like OAuth traffic
I just had to do this again to grab the SDA value Procedure.EnteredAt.Code
In case it's useful to anyone out there, my code for Step #4 was...
set patientid = %request.Data("PatientID",1)
//merge ^CacheTempUser.WRC923241($zdatetime($horolog),"PatientID") = patientid
//merge ^CacheTempUser.WRC923241($zdatetime($horolog),"ProcedureID") = procedureID
set streamletID = ##class(web.SDA3.Loader).GetStreamletId(,patientid,"PRC",procedureID)
//merge ^CacheTempUser.WRC923241($zdatetime($horolog),"StreamletID") = streamletID
set tSC = ##class(HS.SDA3.Container).LoadSDAObject(streamletID,.procedureSDA3)
//merge ^CacheTempUser.WRC923241($zdatetime($horolog),"procedureSDA3") = procedureSDA3
set EnteredAtCode = procedureSDA3.EnteredAt.Code
quit EnteredAtCode
and the expression for Step 5 was:
set val=##class(Test.WRC.W923241.Transforms).GetEnteredAtCodeViewerTransform($g(rs.Data("PROC_RowId")))

@Ben Spead, this is a great resource!
However, most of the links for online documentation, eLearning, and presentation slides no longer work in 2024. Would it be possible to update them?