InterSystems Official
· Jan 14

Alert: Invalid Data Introduced to Database and Journal files with Specific $LIST Operations

InterSystems has corrected a defect that causes invalid database and journal records to be introduced when using a specific $LIST syntax. The likelihood of encountering this defect is very low but the operational impacts can be significant.

Products Affected

  • InterSystems IRIS® data platform: Versions 2023.3, 2024.1.0, 2024.1.1, 2024.1.2, 2024.2, 2024.3
  • InterSystems IRIS® for Health: Versions 2023.3, 2024.1.0, 2024.1.1, 2024.1.2, 2024.2, 2024.3
  • HealthShare® Health Connect: Versions 2023.3.0, 2024.1, 2024.1.1, 2024.1.2, 2024.2, 2024.3
  • HealthShare® Unified Care Record and Suite: Version 2024.2
  • All offerings based on the above products


The issue only affects Unicode installations.

The issue arises when appending a new element to a list in a global using the following syntax:

SET $LIST(<global reference>, *+1) = value.

When the resulting list from this call exceeds the maximum string length, the correct behavior is to return a <MAXSTRING> error.  This is what occurred prior to InterSystems IRIS, InterSystems IRIS for Health, and Health Connect version 2023.3. In 2023.3 and subsequent versions, the invalid value is saved to the database instead of generating a <MAXSTRING> error.

Any subsequent attempt to reference the global node results in a <MAXSTRING> error. 

The global update also results in a journal record (assuming updates to this global are normally journaled).  Any operation that attempts to apply the resulting journal record – including recovery at startup, journal restore, and mirror operations – will fail with a <MAXSTRING> error and halt further processing of the journal file.

If you experience the impact of this defect, contact the Worldwide Response Center (WRC) for assistance.

The correction for this defect is identified as DP-437169. It will be included in all future releases beginning with InterSystems IRIS, InterSystems IRIS for Health and Health Connect 2024.1.3 and 2025.1.0. It is also available via Ad Hoc distribution. The correction will be included in HealthShare Unified Care Record version 2025.1 and suite of products when they are released, but will not be included in maintenance releases of previous releases. If you have any questions regarding this alert, please contact the Worldwide Response Center.

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