Hi everyone,

This is:

Cache for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86-64) 2016.2 (Build 736U) Fri Sep 30 2016 12:25:56 EDT

The server is on RedHat Linux while the browser is running on Windows (Firefox).

I am helping a partner build a complex modern HTML5 web application that talks with Caché using REST calls. They have been using %CSP.REST very successfully. Security works great as well.

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I have a class with around 400k lines and 60 columns. Class storage is Cache SQL storage (Mapped from a global).

I want to create multiple indices on certain fields.

I am familiar with two approaches:

1. Create a new map (Index type) on a pointer global.

2. Create a bitmap index

Which approach is more recommended to be used in the case I described? If there are any other approaches, I will be happy to hear.

Thanks :)

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Hello; we have users on the system with cache logins. They have access to a specific namespace, and no access to %SYS of course. I'd like to give each user the ability to change his own password from within our application, using Security.User.PasswordExternal. This only exists in the %SYS namespace, and the average user can't get to it.

Should I give the users access to this column in this table (column Password, table Security.Users)? What about access to the namespace? Is this possible? Has anyone done this before?



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· Sep 25, 2017
September 2017 DC Release

Hi, Community!

I'm pleased to announce that we deployed a new release of Developer Community.

With this release we introduce:

1. New post type is introduced: Announcement

Choose Announcement as a post type if you want to say about a new product or feature release, about some new services in your company, if it is event announcement or there is a new job position open in your company.

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· Aug 22, 2017


Does anybody know what happend to %SYS.GSET routine in Cache 2016 ?

In Cache 2013 it still existed, I didn't find anything about it in Cache realese notes 2014 and 2015.


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Whenever the Windows SNMP Service restarts, the snmpdbg log says the following.

13:08:59 :Attempting initial TCP connection(s) with 1 Cache instances ...
13:08:59 :Get connection with ENSEMBLE on port 1972
13:08:59 :Connection refused on port 1972, check if Cache instance ENSEMBLE is started.
13:08:59 :Cache iscsnmp.dll initialized for 1 configs

Ensemble and all productions are running. I've set up Caché SNMP agent on many other servers in our company and those are working fine. However this one server won't budge.

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Good day,

I would like to know how to detect in Caché ObjectScript if data saved in string is number and furthermore, if it's type is integer.

I maybe found a solution:

set value = "44.2d3"

set status = $INUMBER(value,"")
if ('$FIND(+value,".")){
w "your variable: '"_value_"' is number and integer"
w "variable is number but no integer"
w "variable is not number"

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I have a REST client that calls a REST service and as a response gets a stream containing a JSON structure. The service is placing some weird non-printable characters into some places in the JSON document that is throwing off parsing of a down-stream XML document.

What I would like to do is just remove the non-printable characters from the response stream that comes back from my call to the REST service.

Does anyone have a handy utility or method for removing all non-printable characters from a character stream?

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I've been manipulating XML objects via Cache, but have had some difficulty understanding how to use the following method detailed within EnsLib.EDI.XML.Prop:

Method choiceGetCount(Output pCount, pDOMPath As %String, pRef As %String) As %Status

From what I've read when walking through the code for this method, it appears to count a listing of repeating XML elements. However, despite my attempts to search for examples or attempts to implement this function, I am unable to do so.

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What are the differences between a process private global and a percent variable? Basically I have some code running in an Ensemble operation that processes requests, and it needs access to pieces of data that are scattered throughout XData blocks in various classes. Rather than opening the XData object and deserializing the XML on each request, I opted to cache this data in a percent variable, something like:

set %MyVar(sub1,sub2) = myValue

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· Sep 5, 2017
Create Patient via FHIR?


I've been trying to create a patient using FHIR, but all I seem to get back is:

{"resourceType":"OperationOutcome","issue":[{"severity":"error","code":"invalid","details":{"text":"FHIR create interaction invalid for this end point"},"diagnostics":"FHIR create interaction invalid for this end point"}]}

I've tried a variety of requests and read operations work, but create doesn't seem to. Has anyone run into this? Any ideas? Thanks.

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Globals, these magic swords for storing data, have been around for a while, but not many people can use them efficiently or know about this super-weapon altogether.

If you use globals for tasks where they truly shine, the results may be amazing, either in terms of increased performance or dramatic simplification of the overall solution (1, 2).

Globals offer a special way of storing and processing data, which is completely different from SQL tables. They were first introduced in 1966 in the M(UMPS) programming language, which was initially used in medical databases. It is still used in the same way, but has also been adopted by some other industries where reliability and high performance are top priorities: finance, trading, etc.

Later M(UMPS) evolved into Caché ObjectScript (COS). COS was developed by InterSystems as a superset of M. The original language is still accepted by developers' community and alive in a few implementations. There are several signs of activity around the web: MUMPS Google group, Mumps User's group), effective ISO Standard, etc.

Modern global based DBMS supports transactions, journaling, replication, partitioning. It means that they can be used for building modern, reliable and fast distributed systems.

Globals do not restrict you to the boundaries of the relational model. They give you the freedom of creating data structures optimized for particular tasks. For many applications reasonable use of globals can be a real silver bullet offering speeds that developers of conventional relational applications can only dream of.

Globals as a method of storing data can be used in many modern programming languages, both high- and low-level. Therefore, this article will focus specifically on globals and not the language they once came from.

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I am currently trying to add a condition to a routing rule that uses the %Source property of a routing rule. Unfortunately I am getting compile errors when I use the "%", and if I get PROPERTY DOES NOT EXIST if I try and use any of field. I have tried referencing the messages as "Message." , "Record.", "FullRecordMapClassName." , "Document." . Does anyone know how to reference the properties of a record map in a routing rule, or if it is even possible? Thanks!

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Hi, Community!

Suppose I have class A with properties P1 and P2.

I want to introduce class B, which would have same records as Class A, but only one property - P2.

What is the easiest way to manage it assuming that I would like to use Class A to add records and be available for any operations to Users with Role A.

And I would like to introduce class B for Users with role B for read-only access. Preferably they shouldn't even be aware of Class A and P1 existence .

What is the easiest way to introduce it and manage it?

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I'm currently exploring alternatives to CSP/services and ODBC/Sql Maps for access to Caché. I'm not seeing a library which would interest me, so am considering creating one myself.

Does 'CacheConnection' in C# use RPC of some sort, or a defined protocol to communicate with Caché, or does it do so over telnet with scripted commands? I would assume the former. If so, is this a publicly documented protocol that can be implemented by library developers?

Any guidance in this area would be appreciated.

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· Sep 14, 2017
Conflict Resolution Wizard


When trying to sync a class to the server where the server class has been updated by another user, I, as expected, get the Conflict Resolution Wizard.

I can then use the wizard to copy code from the server side to my local copy using the arrows also as expected.

But when I have integrated the remote code into what I think is my local copy how do I save it so that it gets integrated into my local copy and synchronised to the server.

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