Presenter: Anton Umnikov
Task: Run SQL queries quickly on huge amounts of data
Approach: Use a shared-nothing architecture to leverage a cluster of small, cost-effective servers

Explains how a shared nothing architecture allows you to leverage a cluster of small, costeffective servers to serve query results that would have taken much longer on a single, big and expensive box. This brings affordable horizontal scalability.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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· May 18, 2023 2m read
Code Golf: String Rotations

Let's have a round of Code Golf!

String rotation is when you take a word and move some of its letters to the end of the word, so the first letter becomes the second letter, the second letter becomes the third, and so on. Last letter becomes first. Rotation can happen only in one direction →.
Your task is to write a method that will receive two strings. It then must return an integer value of how many times needed to rotate the strings to be equal.
As usual shortest solution wins.

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

It can be retrieved using the schema INFORMATION_SCHEMA.

INFORMATION_SCHEMA is a system schema and is not displayed by default in the SQL menu of the Management Portal.

The method to display it is as follows.

  1. Open Management Portal → System Explorer → SQL menu.
  2. Check "System" on the left of the schema drop-down.
  3. Select INFORMATION_SCHEMA from the schema dropdown.

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· Mar 24, 2020 2m read
BlocksExplorer map generator

I hope you already know one of my projects Cache Blocks Explorer. I've recently renamed it to Blocks Explorer.

For the recent contest, I've added a new feature, the ability to generate a static picture of any Cache or IRIS database. Like below. Where unique globals have a unique color. This is how looks like inside 9.5GB database. Where 1 pixel represents one block. By link on image you will get even bigger image, with more detalization.

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Advent of Code is a series of programming challenges for beginners and experienced Caché programmers.

For an introduction : look at article

In this challenge, you need to find a password using instructions to move on a keypad.
Instructions can be U(p), D(own), L(eft) and R(ight).

You start at button 5 on a keypad like

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Hello Community,

Some of you have passed the InterSystems Official Certification and would like to get a nifty green tick on your profile avatar

and all your certificates in your DC profile so that others know that you know... you know what we mean

So, to add certification to your DC profile, you need to take 3 easy steps:

1️⃣ Go to your DC profile

2️⃣ Go to the InterSystems Certification section

3️⃣ Click on the Load my certification(s) button

and that's it!

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NewBie's Corner Session: 5 Operator Precedence

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

Click on the Caché Cube in your system tray and select Terminal to try out the commands.

Order Precedence means the order in which mathematical operators are executed. In a Mathematical expression, you may have Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction, and Division. Which of these are executed first, second, third, etc.?

The basic Operator Precedence of mathematics is:

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The pandemic that struck the world in 2020 made everyone follow the news and the numbers that involve the COVID-19.

Why don’t you take that opportunity to create something simple and pleasant, to follow the number of vaccinations worldwide?

To face this challenge, I'm using the data provided by Our World in Data - Research and data to make progress against the world’s largest problems.

They have a dedicated repository on Github with the data of COVID-19, and I took the vaccination data to help me with my tracker.

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Some Usage cases

1. A deployment may consist of two high availability instances and two disaster recovery instances in a different data center.

The corresponding UAT environment could replicate this giving a total of 8 instances. How do you confirm CPF and Scheduled task alignment across ALL instances.

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Some time ago I developed an application that tackled a familarial problem faced by many developers when required to update multiple UAT or PRODUCTION sites with the latest Software patches that have been developed and tested on your DEV server and now need to be deployed to multiple sites running that software.

In principle the solution works as follows:

1) Prepare an XML export of affected classes/routines/csp pages/hl7 definitions et al

2) Optionally create a global export of any new globals or changes to existing globals

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· Jan 14, 2022 1m read
Real Webserver Logs Dataset

I'm happy to share with the community a web server log dataset from our longtime customer, an operating company.

Their webserver operates on Apache webserver and contains data which can be useful to analyse a load and search engines activity.

After installing the project, you will get the data for a few months that can show a typical load and activity of clients, robots and also you can see how it depends on day of week, holidays and time of a day.

The Cube is also included in package.

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· Mar 15, 2016 1m read
Code metrics over time

Among the outputs of our Yuzinji tool are two code metrics that it can be interesting to track over time as a development project proceeds. These are Size and XS. The first is fairly straightforward. As you write more code the size of your codebase increases. The XS metric (pronounced "excess") aims to quantify excessive structural complexity.

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Hi developers!

Often we need to deploy some data along with code pieces of the application.

And for InterSystems IRIS developers the question could sound: "How can I deploy the data I have in globals?"

InterSystems IRIS Globals Model QuickStart | InterSystems

Here I want to suggest to you one of the approaches - deploying global data using the ZPM package manager.

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· Jun 24, 2016 1m read
2016.2 Field Test Kit 2016.2.0.677.0

I am pleased to announce the next 2016.2 field test kit, 2016.2.0.677.0.

I haven’t sent an update to this thread in a while and it should come as no surprise that there has been quite a lot of development going on since I wrote about build 632. In fact, there have been almost 300 changes covering most areas of the product.

The accumulated list of fixes to problems found in the field since build 632 includes the following changes:

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Dear community members!

A very common problem of our users is to use an external database as data source in an IRIS production. As many of you already know, we have two ways to connect directly to an external database, the first one is using an ODBC connection, the second is using JDBC.

In our example we are going to create a connection using JDBC, and we are going to build a simple Docker's project, in this way you will be able to modify the example as you wish.

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This week I was able to demo a proof of concept for our FMS interface on traffic cop architecture to my team. We are working on modernizing an Interoperability production running on mirrored Health Connect instances. We deploy IRIS workloads on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform using InterSystems Kubernetes Operator (IKO). We can define any number of replicas for the compute stateful set where each compute pod runs our Interoperability production. We introduced Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) to scale up the number of compute pods based on memory or CPU utilization.

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· Feb 17, 2023 2m read
Returning values with python

Why am I writting this?

Last year I made an article for starters on using embedded python. Later, it started a little discussion on how to return values with python and I found some interesting observations that are worth writing a little article. Also, hopefully I can reach more people by writing this.

Possible situations

There are two things you'll need to care about when returning a value with python. The first is the type you're trying to return and the second is where you're returning it.

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· Dec 1, 2022 1m read
My First FHIR app

I participated in InterSystems Women’s Health FHIR contest, because I loved the challenge to learn a new-to-me technology. I wanted to develop an app that receives data from a mobile device like my Fitbit or a Smart Watch. I did not get access to such data except when I downloaded a spreadsheet (CSV file) showing my daily steps and sleep data. I saw in iris-fhir-template it imported some patient data to a FHIR server.

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· May 14, 2022 2m read
M:N in Contest #1

M:N Relationship is a recurring object of my interest for a long time.
So the subject turns up with me repeatedly.
For this article, I found a nice example with TWO separate M:N relationships. Some M:N².

It is not pure fiction but taken from a closer view of OEX Contests that we run on a regular base.

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Presenter: Boris Mamkin
Task: Understand and use CDA in HealthShare
Approach: Provide a real-world example of how the Clinical Document Architecture standard is being used in a clinical integration

In this session, we will discuss the basics of using CDA in HealthShare, as well as a real world example of how CDA is being used in a clinical integration.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here. Please note that this content is available only to HealthShare customers and attendees of the Global Summit. On the learning web site you will be prompted for your Global Summit credentials to access this content.

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