· Aug 9, 2020 2m read

Deploy IRIS service

The InterSystems IRIS offer many options to deploy digital services running in IRIS. Your option will depends if you use IaC (my preferred option) or no.

If you use IaC, the options are:

1) IKO - InterSystems Kubernetes Operator: this is InterSystems extension to Kubernetes container/docker management and orchestration tool that facilitate create IRIS clusters in the Kubernetes. See more info in:

2) ICM - InterSystems Cloud Manager: this is a provision tool to versioning and config docker deployment into public cloud or VMWare instances using Terraform aproach. See more info in:

3) Docker enterprise/desktop: this is an option to deploy from docker and docker compose files directly to on-premises or IaaS instances based in Docker Enterprise (production env) or Docker Desktop (development env).

If you not use IaC, the options are:

1) Installation Kit: InterSystems tool to install IRIS into the SO, VM instances and cloud with all configuration defined not as code but as UI actions.

2) IRIS community: to try or do lab tasks, InterSystems allows you create free instances in real time from browser (

If you operate a HA (High Availability) environments, you need to config number of shards (can be elastic if you use IKO), config ECP network and shard strategy (manager and worker nodes). More details in:

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