· Jan 9, 2020 2m read

InterSystems Open Exchange: How to use it?

Hi Developers!

Recently we updated the design of Open Exchange and I want to describe how you can find the solutions you are interested in.

Applications Catalog

The first thing you see is the catalog of published applications, tools, and solutions.


The number of applications shows you how many are published or/and fit your query.

You can find the solution you are looking for with the following set of Categories, Products or Industries:


Or you can just search for the tool you are looking for. E.g. let's find applications which help to work with "Python":


The application page shows the Name, version, description, author, publisher (if any), release date, repository, documentation, license, and Download:

Also, it has an active Discuss button if the application has the related post on Developers Community

Every app could have release history:


And issues/tasks open for the application which you can add to a related Github repository:


All the application releases appear on the News page, where you can see the release news and links to the app and author:


You can check all the applications of a particular author. E.g. here are the apps from @Eduard Lebedyuk:


Applications could be published on behalf of the company. Here are the companies which publish applications on Open Exchange:


And you can check all the applications published by a particular company. E.g. by George James:


This was a quick guide on InterSystems Open Exchange features. In the next article, we'll review how to publish an application on Open Exchange.

Stay tuned!

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