· Dec 25, 2021 2m read

After >40 years of writing in-countable lines of code in M*/COS/ISOS (and a bunch of archaic languages)
I decided for myself to set a strong signal for the future. We have Embedded Python available
(still pre-release)! I just felt it as a sacrilege to ignore this excellent NEW opportunity and
stay with the old sermon that I had used for decades.

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This is the second piece in our series on 2021.2 SQL enhancements delivering an adaptive, high-performance SQL experience. In this article, we'll zoom in on the innovations in gathering Table Statistics, which are of course the primary input for the Run Time Plan Choice capability we described in the previous article.

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Pouring The Coffee: Creating and scheduling a task

Don't you wish a fresh, hot cup of coffee could be waiting for you right when you get into the office? Let's automate that!

Cache and IRIS come with a built-in Task Manager, which should have a familiar feel to those used to using the Windows task scheduler or using cron on Linux. Your user account will need access to the %Admin_Task resource to use it, and you can access it in the management portal under System Operation -> Task Manager. When first installed, there are roughly 20 types of task that you can schedule.

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· May 11, 2021 8m read
IRIS in Astronomy

In this article we are going to show the results of the comparision between IRIS and Postgress when handling Astronomy data.


Since the earliest days of human civilization we have been fascinated by the sky at night. There are so many stars! Everybody has dreamed about them and fantasized about life in other planets.

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· Dec 20, 2021 1m read
Holiday Reading: What Lies Beneath!

For those of you who might be new to IRIS, and even those who have used Cache or IRIS for some time but want to explore beyond its usually-assumed boundaries and practices, you might want to dive into this detailed exploration of the database engine that is at its heart, and discover just what you can really do with it, going way beyond what InterSystems have done with it for you.

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This is the third article in our short series around innovations in IRIS SQL that deliver a more adaptive, high-performance experience for analysts and applications querying relational data on IRIS. It may be the last article in this series for 2021.2, but we have several more enhancements lined up in this area. In this article, we'll dig a little deeper into additional table statistics we're starting to gather in this release: Histograms

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· Dec 21, 2021 8m read
IntegratedML hands-on lab

Have you tried the InterSystems learning platform lab for IRIS IntegratedML? In that lab you can train and test a model on a readmission dataset and be able to predict when a patient will be readmitted or not, or calculate its probability of being readmitted.

You can try it without any installation on your system, all you have to do is start a virtual lab environment (Zeppelin) and play it around!

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· Feb 8, 2021 2m read
Websocket Client Embedded Python

This is a demo to make use of a simple WebSocket Client with Embedded Python in IRIS.

How to Test it

  • Run an Iris Session in Docker
  • Select your WebSocket Echo Server
  • Enter the text you want to send or generate it
  • Send it and see the result
$ docker-compose exec iris iris session iris "##class(rccpy.WSockPy).Run()"

*** Welcome to WebSocket Embedded Python Demo ***

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· Feb 15, 2021 17m read
Four Database APIs

A concurrent session in IRIS:
SQL, Objects, REST, and GraphQL

Kazimir Malevich, "Athletes" (1932)

"But of course you don't understand! How can a person who has always traveled in a horse-drawn carriage understand the feelings and impressions of the express traveler or the pilot in the air?"

Kazimir Malevich (1916)


We’ve already addressed the topic of why object/type representation is superior to SQL for implementing subject area models. And those conclusions and facts are as true now as they have ever been. So why should we take a step back and discuss technologies that drag abstractions back to the global level, where they had been in the pre-object and pre-type era? Why should we encourage the use of spaghetti code, which results in bugs that are hard to track down, and which relies only on virtuoso developer skills?

There are several arguments in favor of transmitting data via SQL/REST/GraphQL-based APIs as opposed to representing them as types/objects:

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Some changes in IRIS configuration require a restart of IRIS.
This is no big issue as long as I have access to the server command line with sufficient privileges.

In a container, this is not always given.
Stopping IRIS from the terminal/session prompt is no problem.
But the restart after is.

Note1: container start-stop is no option as it might be removed by option --rm in docker run
Note2: the target is linux (manly in docker). Windows is excluded


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· May 28, 2021 1m read
Fetch Upstream in GitHub

Hi colleagues!

Often when we collaborate to someone's repo in GitHub we do the following cycle:

Fork-Clone-Change-Commit-Push-Pull-Request-Merge to the original repo.

This is all great and works fine!

And if we want to make a second collaboration right after the merge you need to perform "Fetch upstream" to your forked repo first to "ingest" your own Pull-request in the original repo.

Geeky git-professionals do it with ease but this was always a headache for me so I usually simply deleted the fork and created a new one.

And today I figured that Github added a new UI feature that I can easily fetch-upstream for my fork with the original one and make it up to date and capable for pull-requests.

Here is where the button is:

This is a relief! )

Wanted to share this relief and productivity tip with you!

Bring more collaborations to Github repos!

And speaking of PR - I just made a PR with docker to Google Cloud Run deployment for the FHIRaaS demo made by @Anton Umnikov for the current FHIR Contest! Looking for more of your contributions!

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· Dec 4, 2021 6m read
Why? How? What's zap-api-scan-sample?

Hey community, how are you all doing?

What if you could check if your REST application is susceptible to some vulnerability? What if you could check if any known attacks affect your application?

With these issues in mind, we've brought our sample application using the ZAP testing tool. A way to quickly, conveniently provide tools for developers to validate security issues in an accessible manner practically.

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0 1.1K
· Sep 29, 2021 4m read
6 Months Reviews on Open Exchange

I'm running reviews on Open Exchange since April 2021.
I have seen excellent packages, good ones, and some that made me feel just lost.
And I started to recognize contributors also by their style and organization of the submitted packages.

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· Sep 11, 2021 2m read
Successful Troubleshooting

During the last weeks, I was working on various issues and problems related to SW development.
I found that quite often problem analysis was mostly chasing issues just on the surface
but not really attacking the deeper reasons of the problem and follow the consequences.
It's like the doc that stops your leg bleeding but doesn't see that it is broken.

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In this article I will explain how to Authenticate, Authorize and Audit by code by using CSP Web Application along with Enabling /Disabling and Authenticate/Unauthenticate any Web Application.

Application Layout

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