· Sep 21, 2021 2m read

Is your code ready for a different database version?

Hi community!

I want to introduce you a new powerful feature from our static code analyzer objectscriptQuality

Each time a new IRIS version is released, you need to prepare a roadmap for migration in which you need to spend a lot of time on testing to find where your code is not accomplishing with the newer version. Or maybe you need your code to be compatible with multiple IRIS or Caché versions.

You can now simplify the task running the analysis for the different IRIS and Caché database versions, so you will get the failing code before you start to test.

objectscriptQuality allows you to select the database version for the analysis so you can find following issues among others:

  • Class not found
  • Method not found
  • Method uses too many variables
  • Method with unexpected arguments
  • Missing argument(s) in method call
  • Property not found

Define your database version on your analysis call

When invoking your analysis from command line (or from your CI server, like Jenkins), you can include following parameter to define the database version you want to use:


Define your default database version in SonarQube

If all your projects or most of them are using the same database version, you can configure it by default

To do so, in the main menu select Administration. Then, on tab Objectscript Code Quality and Security, select the version of code you want to test against by default:

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Is your code ready for a different database version?

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