· Sep 20, 2021 3m read

Importing CSV into the Existing Table in InterSystems IRIS

Hi folks!

Sometimes we need to import data into InterSystems IRIS from CSV. It can be done e.g. via csvgen tool that generates a class and imports all the data into it.

But what if you already have your own class and want to import data from CSV into your existing table?

There are numerous ways to do that but you can use csvgen (or csvgen-ui) again! I prepared and and example and happy to share. Here we go!

The concept is the following: I have Class A and I want the data in file.csv that contains a column I need for my class.

The steps:

  1. create Class B using csvgen,
  2. perform SQL Update to add class B data to  the class A
  3. delete Class B.

To demonstrate a concept I created a simple demo project . The project imports Countries dataset that contains dc_data.Country class with different information on countries including GNP.

ClassMethod ImportCSV() As %Status


set sc = ##class(community.csvgen).GenerateFromURL("",",","")

Return sc


But the data on GNP is outdated and I have the recent one in this CSV. Here is the method that shows GNP e.g. for Angola:

ClassMethod ShowGNP() As %Status


Set sc = $$$OK


SELECT TOP 1 name,gnp into :name,:gnp from dc_data.Country


if SQLCODE < 0 throw ##class(%Exception.SQL).CreateFromSQLCODE(SQLCODE,"Show Country GNP")

write "Country ",name," gnp=",gnp,!

Return sc



So I import CSV in a generated class with one line:

ClassMethod ImportCSV() As %Status


set sc = ##class(community.csvgen).GenerateFromURL("",",","")

Return sc


and with the second line I perform an SQL query that imports the updated GNP data into my dc_data.Country class.

ClassMethod UpdateGNP() As %Status


Set sc = $$$OK


UPDATE dc_data.Country

SET Country.gnp=GNP."2020"


dc_data.Country Country




if SQLCODE < 0 throw ##class(%Exception.SQL).CreateFromSQLCODE(SQLCODE,"Importing data")

w "Changes to GNP are made from",!

Return sc


And then I delete generated class with its data as I don't need it any more.

ClassMethod DropGNP() As %Status


Set sc = $$$OK




if SQLCODE < 0 throw ##class(%Exception.SQL).CreateFromSQLCODE(SQLCODE,"Drop csv table")

write " class is deleted.",!

Return sc


Well, here is the method that does all at once:

ClassMethod RunAll() As %Status


Set sc = $$$OK

zw ..ImportDataset()

zw ..ShowGNP()

zw ..ImportCSV()

zw ..UpdateGNP()

zw ..ShowGNP()

zw ..DropGNP()

Return sc



Of course it's just one approach to the problem but I hope it can be helpful. Looking forward for your feedback!

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