· Aug 4, 2021 4m read

Add a business item in your production by code

Hi community,

This is another article about how to perform actions that you can do in the web portal but via code.

Today.... Add a business item in your production by code


If you want to add a new business item (business service, business process or business operation), you usually do it from the production configuration.

By the same way, if you are not able to access to this portal, you can add your business item into your production by code.


/// Add a item into the production
/// <ul>
/// <li><var>pProduction</var> Name of the production.</li>
/// <li><var>pName</var> Set the name of the item. This value is mandatory.</li>
/// <li><var>pClassName</var> Set the classname of the item. This value is mandatory.</li>
/// <li><var>pCategory</var> Set the name of the category into the production.</li>
/// <li><var>pEnable</var> Set if the item is enabled.</li>
/// <li><var>pLogTraceEvents</var> Set event traces.</li>
/// <li><var>pPoolSize</var> Pool size.</li>
/// <li><var>pComment</var> Comment.</li>
/// </ul>
/// <example>Do myClass.AddItem("myPath.MyProduction", Item1", "myPath.MyClass", "Internal")</example>
ClassMethod AddBusinessItem(pProduction As %String, pName As %String, pClassName As %String, pCategory As %String = "", pEnabled As %Boolean = 1, pLogTraceEvents As %Boolean = 1, pPoolSize As %Integer = 1, pComment As %String = "") As %Status
    Set ret = $$$OK
    Try {
        // Check the mandatories values
        If ((pName '="") && (pClassName '=""))
            If '##class(Ens.Config.Item).NameExists(pProduction,pName,.idItem)
                Set produccion = ##class(Ens.Config.Production).%OpenId(pProduction)
                Write !,"Installing "_pName
                Set objItem = ##class(Ens.Config.Item).%New()
                Set objItem.Name = pName
                Set objItem.ClassName = pClassName
                Set objItem.Enabled = pEnabled
                Set objItem.LogTraceEvents = pLogTraceEvents
                Set objItem.Category = pCategory
                Set objItem.PoolSize = pPoolSize
                Set objItem.Comment = pComment

                Do produccion.Items.Insert(objItem)
                Set st = produccion.%Save()
                Kill objItem
                Do ##class(Ens.Director).RestartProduction(0,1)
                Write !,"Item "_pName_" installed."
                Write !,"Item "_pName_" already exists."

            If (pName = "") set attrib = "pName"
            If (pClassName ="") set attrib = "pClassName"

    Catch ex {
        Set ret = ex.AsStatus()
        Write !,"Error #",$System.Status.GetErrorCodes(ret),!
        Write !,$System.Status.GetOneStatusText(ret,1),!

    Quit ret

if you want to add a business service, your class should be inherited from Ens.BusinessService (as always)


/// Remove a business item from a production
/// <ul>
/// <li><var>pProduction</var> Name of the production.</li>
/// <li><var>pName</var> Name of the business item to remove. This value is mandatory.</li>
/// </ul>
/// <example>Do myClass.RemoveItem("Item1")</example>
ClassMethod RemoveBusinessItem(pProduction As %String, pName As %String) As %Status
    Set ret = $$$OK

    Try {

        // Validate mandatory values
        If (pName '="")
            If ##class(Ens.Config.Item).NameExists(pProduction,pName,.idItem)
                Set produccion = ##class(Ens.Config.Production).%OpenId(pProduction)
                Write !,"Removing "_pName
                Set objItem = produccion.FindItemByConfigName(pName)
                Do produccion.RemoveItem(objItem)
                Set st = produccion.%Save()
                Kill objItem
                Do ##class(Ens.Director).RestartProduction(0,1)
                Write !,"Item "_pName_" removed"
                Write !,"Item "_pName_" not found."
            If (pName = "") set attrib = "pName"

    Catch ex {
        Set ret = ex.AsStatus()
        Write !,"Error #",$System.Status.GetErrorCodes(ret),!
        Write !,$System.Status.GetOneStatusText(ret,1),!

    Quit ret

After a remove item, it restarts automatically the production to refresh the content.

If you add an item, you can configure its parameters using the default configuration, but it will be other post ;)


Best regards,
Kurro Lopez

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