· Sep 7, 2021 4m read

Scrollable ResultSet Pagination Sample

Hi everyone.

This is a full example how to use a %ScrollableResultSet for results pagination using %DynamicQuery:SQL and build a JSON response including page details.

Feel free to use, share, comment or improve it.

Kind Regards

ClassMethod getPersonsPag(iAge As %Integer, sortField As %String = 1, sortOrder As %String = 2, pageSize As %String = 20, pageIndex As %String = 1) As %DynamicObject
    set out = []
    set vFrom = ((pageIndex -1 ) * pageSize)+1
    set vTo = vFrom + (pageSize-1)

    set sql = "SELECT ID,SSN,LastName,GivenName,SecondaryName, Gender, Age "_
              "FROM Sample.Person WHERE Age > ? "_
              "Order By "_sortField _" "_ $CASE(sortOrder,1:"ASC",2:"DESC",:"ASC")
    Set rs=##class(%ScrollableResultSet).%New("%DynamicQuery:SQL")
    set sc = rs.Prepare(sql)
    set sc = rs.Execute(iAge) If $$$ISERR(sc) Do DisplayError^%apiOBJ(sc) Quit

    if (rs.Count()=0) Quit {"msg" : "No Records Found"}

    Do rs.CurrRowSet(vFrom)
    if pageSize >= rs.Count() set pageSize = rs.Count()

            FOR i=1:1:pageSize{
             Do out.%Push({
                "index": (i),
                "pid": (rs.%Get("ID")),
                "ssn" : (rs.%Get("SSN")),
                "lastname" : (rs.%Get("LastName")) ,
                "givenname":    (rs.%Get("GivenName")),
                "secondaryname":       (rs.%Get("SecondaryName")) ,
                "gender": (rs.%Get("Gender")),
                "age": (rs.%Get("Age") )
                Do rs.%Next()      
            catch(e){ }
    set outJson = []
    Do outJson.%Push({
                "toIndex":(vFrom+i - 1),
    return outJson

This is Usefull?
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Hi Rubén,

Another proposition on IRIS 2021.1+ can be this one with the use of the new window (OVER) function :

ClassMethod getPersonsPagWindow(iAge As %Integer, sortField As %String = 1, sortOrder As %String = 2, pageSize As %String = 20, pageIndex As %String = 1) As %DynamicObject
    set out = []
    set vFrom = ((pageIndex -1 ) * pageSize)+1
    set vTo = vFrom + (pageSize-1)

    set sql = "SELECT * "_
                "FROM ( SELECT persons.* "_
                "        , ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER By "_sortField_" "_ $CASE(sortOrder,1:"ASC",2:"DESC",:"ASC")_
                "    ) rn "_
                "        FROM Sample.Person persons where Age > ? "_
                "    ) tmp "_
                "WHERE rn between "_vFrom_" and "_vTo_" "_
                "ORDER By "_sortField_" "_ $CASE(sortOrder,1:"ASC",2:"DESC",:"ASC")

    Set rs=##class(%ResultSet).%New("%DynamicQuery:SQL")
    set sc = rs.Prepare(sql)
    set sc = rs.Execute(iAge) If $$$ISERR(sc) Do DisplayError^%apiOBJ(sc) Quit

    while rs.%Next() {
        Do out.%Push({
                "pid": (rs.%Get("ID")),
                "ssn" : (rs.%Get("SSN")),
                "lastname" : (rs.%Get("LastName")) ,
                "givenname":    (rs.%Get("GivenName")),
                "secondaryname":       (rs.%Get("SecondaryName")) ,
                "gender": (rs.%Get("Gender")),
                "age": (rs.%Get("Age") )

    set outJson = []
    Do outJson.%Push({
    return outJson

I bench the two solutions on a dataset of 100 000 rows without index with a result of 20 elements on page 1 and here are the results :

"getPersonsPag timed : 1,647 secondes"
"getPersonsPagWindow timed : 0,247 secondes"

I guess that the window function is faster because you don't have to fetch all the data in a global before paging.

The idea of a scrollable result set is to call Save/OpenId - and the result set would continue on a next row automatically. So you don't need to manage to/from indices:

Here's an example

It's also about 3 times faster since the query is only executed once:

do ##class(User.Pagination).Time("Save")
Save took 0,0048 sec
do ##class(User.Pagination).Time("NoSave")
NoSave took 0,0143 sec