You probably have a similar experience.
The more I use Atelier the more I miss INSPECTOR that I had in Studio!

First for PROPERTIES that can inherit a variable number of Parameters beyond imagination.
take %XML.Adapter as the most obvious.
Where to find all inherited methods that I eventually want to overload? Take %Persistent as example.

Or where or how can %OnBeforeAddToSaveSet() (the correct camel case) be overloaded ?

15 5
0 640


I'm doing a query in SQL and I need to sort my data by some non-repeated field.

Unfortunately, my data is grouped in a way that I cannot guarantee that any column will not have repeated data, so one solution would be to take the row number.

Also, the Cache is not accepting Row_Number () in my querry and I would like to know if there is another solution to return line numbers or some way to add this function to the Cache.

Best regards.

12 7
0 3.3K

As IRIS was announced yesterday by Paul Grabscheid I would be highly interested to get in touch with it.

- How can we get qualified for a closer view ?
- Where can we get some (preliminary) description + documentation.
- Is there any FT available ?

I'm especially interested in the areas around included/embedded/attached JVM and SPARK .

11 3
0 678

Hello all.

I think the forum experience is great as whole, but it could improve even more if we had somewhere to share our ideas. So that's why I'm creating a thread dedicated for that purpose. Maybe this way someone from InterSystems could catch something good?

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0 420

IRIS offers Durable %SYS Directory as a highly useful feature for working with containers.

Before inventing the wheel once more I'd like to know if a similar feature also exists for Caché / Ensemble.
Official documentation is quite silent about.
Though I have some names in mind that might know more about ( @Luca Ravazzolo ? @Dmitry Maslennikov ? @Eduard Lebedyuk ? )

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0 399
· Sep 12, 2019
Features of *ENSTEMP

ENSTEMP was addressed already some time ago;
Article: Preventing Globals From Getting Journaled (Continued from How do I Minimize My Journals)

and is also in public documentation
Where InterSystems IRIS Stores Temporary Production Data

Though I'd like to understand if this is just naming a non-journaled DB
or are there also typical features of CACHETEMP / IRISTEMP related to it:

  • automatic clean-up at system startup
  • keeping Global Buffers in memory as long as possible
  • late writing to the storage file

In other words is it a 2nd, 3rd, .. fully feature blown IRISTEMP ?

7 1
0 343

This morning on the old Caché Google Group, someone posed the following question, which I've decided to answer here, because it's interesting!

Is there a way to iterate ClassMethod's params, and get param's names and values?

The first answer I can come up with is: it's not easy! In any method, you could try to write code like this (where methodName is the name of your method):

7 1
0 1.8K
· Oct 31, 2019
Unknown Licensing Message ?

I find in my message.log an entry I've never seen before:

10/31/19-16:00:22:562 (9056) 0 InterSystems IRIS license file (iris.key) must be validated with License Server.

What does it try to tell me?
Is there any action expected?

7 5
0 255

When I start a fresh installed IRIS or a Container I always find Interoperabiliy (aka. Ensemble) mapped to namespace USER.

Is there any utility to remove this mapping by a click ?
unmapping it global by global, routine by routine, Package by Package is just a boring exercise.

To be clear: I look for a utility inside IRIS.

The external utility is obvious: Notepad (or any other text editor)
- clean iris,cpf,
- restart IRIS
It's fast, it's efficient, but it's really hardcore.

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