· Oct 16

Web gateway and management portal configuration in Mirrored environment

Is it possible to use one IIS server to configure Webgateway and external Webserver for management portal when implementing synchronous mirroring with VIP  i.e Is it necessary to have two mirror servers(primary and Backup) , one Arbiter server, one Webserver for Webgateway and a sperate webserver for management portal? 

If anyone can please point to any documentation on Mirroring with Webgateway and external webserver for management  portal will be really helpful. 


Thank you for your help

Product version: HealthShare 2023.1
Discussion (2)1
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Hi Marykutty,

depending on your use case. Usually, I would suggest going with Primary and BACKUP mirror plus arbiter for the optimal HA resilience. A webgateway on a dedicated IIS can serve both your application and the SMP. I usually would though consider having 2 webservers running so your single webserver is not the single point of failure.
Also just to be aware webgateway is mirror aware and does not need a VIP to automatic redirect connections to the correct mirror. (refer documentation on mirroring )

The CSP gateway has a "mirror aware" function that will always point you to the primary in a failover pair. This works most of the times, but in rare cases it keep a connection disabled after a primary swtich.

Another option is to use an external load balancer that has some kind of "health probe". Then, you could have a simple REST/API call (called by that health probe) that will return 200 for the primary and 404 (or 500) for the backup. This way going through that LB will always point you to the primary.