· Dec 21, 2021 8m read
IntegratedML hands-on lab

Have you tried the InterSystems learning platform lab for IRIS IntegratedML? In that lab you can train and test a model on a readmission dataset and be able to predict when a patient will be readmitted or not, or calculate its probability of being readmitted.

You can try it without any installation on your system, all you have to do is start a virtual lab environment (Zeppelin) and play it around!

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Hi All, We have been using DeepSee which has been the integrated Analytic Dashboard built over Cache Cubes. It works fine but it's visual capabilities are limited and most probably is getting phased out. If I am not wrong, Tableau is the suggested alternative to DeepSee . It is expensive and a big and considerable shift from existing technology I wanted to get an opinion of the community as to these few key points - What other BI tools others have been using with IRIS and what have been their experience - For which tools are the best inbuilt support / api's avaialble in IRIS

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· Mar 27, 2021 3m read
IRIS easy ECP workbench

Testing ECP-based applications often take quite some effort for setup and preparation.
I have created a Docker-based workbench that allows you to have it quick at hands.
And if you crash it? You just give your containers a fresh start.
The whole setup runs code-based during the start-up of your instance.
In that sense, it is also a portable coding example using ZPM and the objectscript-docker-template

see Video

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· Jan 29, 2022
Calling Python Class Methods


What is the Python syntax I can use from a ClassMethod (developed in an IRIS using embedded Python), in order to invoke another class method,

- in the same class; and

- in another class.

I see 'self' is synonymous to use $this (..) in ObjectScript, but these are ClassMethods I am invoking, and self did not seem to work.

thanks - Steve

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Hey Developers!

Want to beat the COVID-19 pandemic with InterSystems and MIT? Please take part in the MIT COVID19 Challenge!

It's a 48-hour virtual hackathon with the goal to develop solutions that address the most pressing technical, social, and financial issues caused by the COVID-19 outbreak.

And it's your chance to build a solution on InterSystems IRIS for the COVID-19 crisis!

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· Jan 13, 2020 1m read
Difference between while and for

While and for are pretty similar, but sometimes you need to do a not recommended thing - change cycle boundaries.

In this situation while and for are different. For calculates boundaries once per run and while calculates boundaries on every iteration.

Consider this code sample:

set x = 5
for i=1:1:x {
     write "i: ", i,", x: ", x,!
     set x = x+1

You'll get this output:

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0 420

I am doing a HL7 data transformation with object script but need to only write a substring from the first "(" of the NTE-3 field to the end.


Input: NTE|1|||Some text (HI) (321)|ABC

Desired Output: NTE|1|||(HI) (321)|ABC

Basically I'd like to delete "Some text ".

If I were writing a shell script I would use sed 's/^.*(/(/' with perhaps a modification to get only the first.

I use the function wizard but can't seem to get the right code.

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0 550

Hi Community!

We are pleased to invite all the developers to the upcoming InterSystems AI Programming Contest Kick-Off Webinar! The topic of this webinar is dedicated to the InterSystems IRIS AI Programming Contest.

On this webinar, we will talk and demo how to use IntegratedML and PythonGateway to build AI solutions using InterSystems IRIS.

Date & Time: Monday, June 29 — 11:00 AM EDT

🗣 @Thomas Dyar, Product Specialist - Machine Learning, InterSystems
🗣 @Eduard Lebedyuk, Sales Engineer, InterSystems

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0 519

Hi Community!

The registration phase for InterSystems Online Programming Contest ends today and we will start the voting week!

Now we have 20 applications - so you have a set of applications to choose from!

How to vote?

This is easy: you will have one vote, and your vote goes either in Experts nomination or in Community nomination.

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· Feb 8, 2022 1m read

I have created a package to export a Global into JSON object file and to re-create it by reloading from this file
embeddedPython refers to the new available technologies. It should be understood as a learning exercise of
how to handle the language interfaces. Only Global nodes containing data are presented in the generated JSON file.
Differently from the previous example, this one is using embedded Python only, no ObjectScript. Therefore PURE

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0 518

I am aware that we have 5 License Units on Community Edition. But I have issues figuring out how it's working.

I have Community Edition

USER>write $system.License.KeyCustomerName()
InterSystems IRIS Community

Freshly started system, only terminal session open, so, only one license units used, and 4 left. As expected

USER>write $system.License.LUConsumed()
USER>write $system.License.LUAvailable()

Quote from documentation - $SYSTEM.License.MaxConnections() returns the maximum number of connections a user can make while consuming one license unit.

USER>write $system.License.MaxConnections()

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· Dec 20, 2021 1m read
Holiday Reading: What Lies Beneath!

For those of you who might be new to IRIS, and even those who have used Cache or IRIS for some time but want to explore beyond its usually-assumed boundaries and practices, you might want to dive into this detailed exploration of the database engine that is at its heart, and discover just what you can really do with it, going way beyond what InterSystems have done with it for you.

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