I know %CSP.Daemon is supposed to clean up old CSP sessions (?). In my management portal, under System/ License Usage, I see 33 "Units" used (and there are 33 licenses in use), but usernames from old IP address and that are not being used. Their active times are often in the millions of seconds. They are not "on" the system right now.

At most, only 3 users are on the system right now.

Are these supposed to be cleaned up? Can I clean them up programmactially, and how would I know if they're not active?



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Hello everyone,

Does anyone know how to create integration tests using the Cache unit test framework in order to test an Ensemble production?

For example, what would be the best way to create automated tests for a BPL that calls multiple business operations (SQL, WebService ...)?

Should we create some kind of mock service/operation to simulate the response from the business operations ?

1 5
0 1.1K

Hi. This about a migration of code from a DEV environment to a PROD environment.

If an (under development) business host is Enabled in DEV environment and the production class is migrated across environments, this means that the Enabled status of the same business host in PROD would also become enabled (even if it may have been disabled before the update)

0 11
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· Mar 8, 2016
Multiple Namespaces vs One

We are beginning a project to switch over to a differnt EMR for our inpatient system, and we are wondering if others out here have worked on a similar project and how did you handle your Ensemble environment?

Currently, we use one namespace for all of our HL7 interfaces. Has anyone used a separate namespace for a project to keep the build separate until go-live? What were the pros/cons for you using a different namespace? Or did you use one and what issues did you have because of it?

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