· May 9, 2017
Atelier: GetDocs bug?


I'm trying to do some experiments using the Atelier REST API, but I noticed a bug that I simply can't bypass.

When requesting the Atelier server asking for an array of docs, it seems to fail when using it with multiple formats.
Like: [ "", "Class.cls" ]

While this method does return the class's source code, it fails when fetching the routine.
Like this:

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· Mar 3, 2017
Studio Keyboard Functions

So I finally decided to try out Atelier after having used Studio for who knows how many years. I primarily edit int files directly and am used to all the keyboard shortcuts in Studio. I was fiddling with the preferences under keys but have not got Atelier to behave very well for:

F2 = Jump to next bookmark

<Ctrl><F2> = Toggle bookmark

<F3> = Find Next, <shift><F3> = Find Previous

I can't find any equivalent to F12 to open the currently highlighted routine and jump to that entry point.

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· Mar 2, 2017
Atelier over https

Can Atelier connect to an Ensemble server that only accepts https connections?

How do I configure that? I did try an ssh into such server and Atelier over that but it didn't seem to work.

Any suggestions?



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Hi, I just installed the TRYCACHE 2016.2.1 preview release into a 16.04 Ubuntu VM. The install is dirt simple. Very nice. I've installed Eclipse Neon and used your update site link to get Atelier. Also very simple and nice. Thank you!

I see there is a January update coming. Will it be possible to include a license that lets developers launch one terminal session while connected to the TRYCACHE instance via Eclipse?

When I try to do this, I'm exceeding the TRYCACHE license limit.


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· Oct 26, 2016 1m read
Ensemble XML VDoc Schema Editing

This article explains how Atelier helps you to improve software development productivity. One of the Ensemble features is the VDoc infrastructure. When someone develops HL7 v2.* production, She/ He is in a luxurious situation because Ensemble comes with a HL7 Schema editor. On the other hand this is not the case with XML VDocs. But with some effort you can turn Atelier to a handy XSD editor and close the gap.

Please follow the step-by-step guide to complete the job.

Before you read

Please make sure that you have

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Suppose I have a project in Atelier with two classes: Class A and Class B and develop it in my local Caché installation.

If I decide to delete Class A and delete it in Atelier project will it be deleted in Caché automatically or should I do it manually?

Or what is the suggested workflow in this case?

Same question is if I decide to rename Class B to Class C.

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0 565
· Aug 25, 2016
New keys for Field Tests?

The FT keys InterSystems currently make available to us in the zips from the download pages are due to expire at the end of this month (31-Aug-16). Will there be new keys soon?

Also wondering when we might expect new FT builds for 2016.2 and 2016.3. The last published ones were 24-Jun-16 and 16-Jun-16 respectively.

I haven't seen an Atelier update for a while either.

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· Jul 14, 2016
Opening generated classes

I'm wondering if there is a setting to show generated classes in Atelier, if there is, I haven't been able to locate it. I have code which is generating other classes, but am unable to locate those classes on the Server tab, but can see them when I open studio. Is there a setting I'm missing?

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0 287

Does the Caché installer do all of the necessary setup for using Atelier when upgrading a pre-Atelier instance?

I just upgraded an Ensemble 2016.1 instance to 2016.2 and the /api/atelier web application wasn't created automatically. Aside from creating this web application is there anything else that needs to be done to support Atelier?

** UPDATE **
See my comment below -- this was caused by a permissions problem during the upgrade. After fixing the permissions problem and upgrading again Atelier works.

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0 503

When using the "XML Cache Script" export via the Export context menu option (right clicking on a class in the Atelier Explorer View) sometimes the export dialog is empty.

Other times it is pre-filled with the project selected and the individual class chosen as expected. When it is blank you can choose the project but within the list of all classes there is no package hierarchy making it difficult to find your class.

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0 357
· Jun 7, 2016
Atelier bracket problem

We have noticed that when compiling with Atelier (either Atelier itself or sending the code through the REST interface) that the build will fail if all brackets '() {} []' are not closed. This includes brackets opened in comments.

For example, this will fail:

class myclass


//if someVar {


I do not know if this issue has been fixed or if this issue has been brought up, but it has been a nuisance over here.

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Hi -

After having seen how Atelier is working, I've decided to start learning/using Atelier for an existing project.

I've installed, and after a bit of poking around, I've managed to get a project that includes my classes, and they compile and such (these were all from an existing export), but I see that NONE of my .csp files came along despite being in the export file.

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This is more of an eclipse thing, but I couldn't really find an answer when I searched. I created a new workspace, but I had updated my keyboard shortcuts in the first workspace and now I'm trying to import the changes. I successfully exported them as .csv, but I cannot find a way to import the changes into the new workspace.

Any help would be appreciated.

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0 496


I'm trying to connect to a Caché server from Atelier; the Caché server is 2015.x.

The address and port I'm trying to connect to is the SQL gateway server; and I get, each time, an "unexpected end of file from server".

Note that unfortunately, for the moment, I connect as _system... And the Caché install has the default privileges.

What am I doing wrong?

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0 458
· Apr 20, 2016
Consistent window/tab names

When a class is opened from the Atelier explorer the full classname is used as the tab name. However classes opened from the server explorer only use the class shortname.

It would be nice to always use full classnames so it is easier to navigate open files:

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0 295

Hi -

I've been trying to create a "sub packaged class" (i.e. TopPackage.SubPackage.Classname) but the current version of the "New Class Wizard" doesn't seem to allow me to do this.

If I try to specify a \project\subdirectory in the "Project" or I try to specify a Package.Subpackage form in the "Package", or I try to specify "Subpackage.Classname" in the "Class Name" they ALL fail to give me a "next" or "finish" button that works (the buttons stay greyed out)

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0 394
· Apr 22, 2016 1m read
Huge icon on Atelier's Help menu

I'm using Atelier 1.0.145 on Windows (x64). When I open the Help menu from the menubar the final entry (About Atelier) has a huge version of the Atelier icon alongside it. This distorts the menu. I can't post a screenshot here because my simplistic screen capture tool causes the faulty menu to close. But the large icon I see is also (correctly) displayed on the About box itself:

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· May 10, 2016
Modifying "New Class" template

Hi -

I would like to change the initial text that is generated by the New Class wizard in Atelier, but I'm not sure if I can or where to go to make the modification. I have a specific format for initial classes, and the wizard generated code isn't cutting it for me. I know it's trivial to take the generated text and just modify it, but if I could only have to do that in the wizard, that would be better.

The more generalized question is, which wizard output can be safely changed without fear of losing the change on upgrade, and where are these?



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Cache 2016.2 running on fully patched minimal CentOS 7 install. No Firewall.

Atelier running on Centos 7 Desktop. No Firewall.

I was able to build and compile classes from Atelier.

When I try to run a routine or some class code from Atelier I get an error. It tells me to look at the Network Activities view.

When I do that I see the following:

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I was writing a routine that called some class methods and when I typed in ##class( and the package, there was a drop down list of all the classes that match that package but when I selected one of the dropdown entries it added the package name again.

For example if I enter ##class(dim.

I am presented with a list of classes in the dim package but when I selected one of them,(dim.OccupationList), what ended up in the editor was


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0 382

On the Mac...

I've defined a Cache Connection to my local server. It worked for the last two days, but after an uninstall/reinstall of Atelier, it stopped working. The stack trace has these entries:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't read from secure storage node /com.intersys.eclipse.connmgr/ensrc

Caused by: No password provided.

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0 720

I installed Atelier on Windows in order to take a look at how the BPL and DTL graphical editors accessible via the "Open diagram editor" action work. The diagram editor is opened but I get the following error:

Message from webpage
Unable to load SVG diagram. Please ensure your browser is supported for portal access.

It looks like Atelier uses IE in order to display the editor even though my Windows default browser is Chrome.

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· Apr 20, 2016
Open Declaration for macro

Is is possible in Atelier to open a macro declaration? Using the context menu results in a "Current text selection does not resolve to a Script element" error in the status area at bottom of window.

Also the arguments for the macro are not shown on hover.

Doesn't seem to matter if the associated include file is added to the project.

(Version: 1.0.142, Mac OS X)

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