This time I want to talk about something not specific to InterSystems IRIS, but that I think is important if you want to work with Docker and your server at work is a PC or laptop with Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise.

As you likely know, containers technology comes basically from Linux world and, nowadays, is on Linux hosts were it shows maximum potential. Those who use Windows on a normal basis see that both, Microsoft and Docker, have done important efforts during these last years that allow us to run containers based on Linux images on our Windows system in a really easy way... but it's something not supported for production systems and, this is the big problem, is not reliable if we want to keep persistent data outside of containers, in the host system,... mostly due to the big differences between Windows and Linux file systems. In the end, Docker for Windows itself uses a small linux virtual machine (MobiLinux) to run the containers... it does it transparently for the windows user... and it works perfectly well if, as I said, you don't require that your databases survive longer than the container...

Well,...let's get to the point,... the point is that many times, to avoid issues and simplify, we need a full Linux system and, if our server is based on Windows, the only way of having it is through a virtual machine. At least till WSL2 in Windows is released, but that will be another story and sure it'll take a bit of time to become robust enough.

In this article, I'll tell you, step by step, how to install an environment where you'll be able to work, if you need it, with Docker containers on an Ubuntu system in your Windows server. Let's go...

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· Mar 27, 2021 3m read
IRIS easy ECP workbench

Testing ECP-based applications often take quite some effort for setup and preparation.
I have created a Docker-based workbench that allows you to have it quick at hands.
And if you crash it? You just give your containers a fresh start.
The whole setup runs code-based during the start-up of your instance.
In that sense, it is also a portable coding example using ZPM and the objectscript-docker-template

see Video

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In Studio you could open a class directly via it's name, without having to traverse the package tree with multiple clicks until arriving at the desired class.

You would Ctrl + O or (File -> Open) and be able to simply type in the class name, for example:

You press Enter, and viola - the class is opened.

How do you achieve this in VSCode?

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Hi folks!

Just a very short note on if you want to add a cute Open Exchange shield like this:

in your GitHub repo you can do it by entering one line like this:


In the URL place the path to your OEX page.

Thanks to the participants of contest for such a neat shield )

What other helpful Github shields do you know? Please share in the comments?

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· Sep 10, 2020 3m read
How To Create "Write-Only" Code

One of the leading benefits of ObjectScript is the speed and efficiency it allows for an experienced developer. Let's look at an example of how you can benefit from ObjectScript today.

Suppose you have a class that stores the names of your users. We'll call the class Data.User, and give it a string property Name. Next, we will need a method to create a new user or update an existing one. A naive, simplistic approach might look like this example:

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· Aug 26, 2020 3m read
Updating Patient Resource using fhir.js

Hi Community,

I shared my experience working with FHIR for the first time in this article.

In that article, I wrote how I explored the FHIR Resources and talked about the information that I found useful in FHIR documentation.

The first version of my app only shows the information that FHIR Resource provides.

I wanted to make the user able to update the patient details, so I to search for an example of how to do it.

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In this article I'd like to share with you a phenomena that is best you avoid - something you should be aware of when designing your data model (or building your Business Processes) in Caché or in Ensemble (or older HealthShare Health Connect Ensemble-based versions).

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· May 14, 2020 1m read
IRS Docker micro Durability

Allow limited durability for demo and development IRIS-Docker-micro-Durability During development of a container based demo I found the need to access a fresh docker
an instance of IRIS image (e.g intersystems/iris-community:2020. over and over.
To bypass loading my code repeatedly I developed this workaround.

It is a reduced variant of Docker - light weight durability

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· Mar 2, 2020 2m read
SQL -99 error while viewing a listing

This error is sometimes seen while viewing a listing in InterSystems IRIS Business Intelligence:
ERROR #5540: SQLCODE: -99 Message: User <USERNAME> is not privileged for the operation (4)

As the error suggests, this is due to a permission error. To figure out which permissions are missing/needed, we can take a look at the SQL query that is generated. We will use a query from SAMPLES as an example.

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Preview Mode was added to InterSystems IRIS Business Intelligence to give designers a quick view of what their resulting Pivot Table will look like without needing to wait for the results to fully execute. This can be beneficial when designing pivot tables because if you are dragging and dropping elements to see how they look/work in your pivot table and seeing if they have the desired data. Since you are exploring and designing, you don't necessarily care about the results at the moment, but you would still like to see how your table looks with the changes you have made.

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%SQLRESTRICT is a special %FILTER clause for use in MDX queries in InterSystems IRIS Business Intelligence. Since this function begins with %, it means this is a special MDX extension created by InterSystems. It allows users to insert an SQL statement that will be used to restrict the returned records in the MDX Result Set. This SQL statement must return a set of Source Record IDs to limit the results by. Please see the documentation for more information.

Why is this useful?

This is useful because there are often times users want to restrict the results in their MDX Result Set based on information that is not in their cubes. It may be the case that this information may not make sense to be in the cube. Other times this can be useful when there is a large set of values you want to restrict. As mentioned before, this is not a standard MDX function, it was created by InterSystems to handle cases were queries were not performing well or cases that were not easily solved by existing functions.

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· Apr 12, 2017 5m read
Bug killing development tips

Does anyone NOT use a debugger? I can't remember the last time I did. It's not because I don't dislike them, I just don't need to use them. The main reason for this is because I have a certain development methodology that either produces less bugs, catches them at a unit test level, or makes tracking them down much easier.

Here are my tips...

1. Write your own COS cheat-sheet.

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In the previous part of this series, we saw how to define a basic portlet. Now we will look into making this portlet reference a web page that will enhance our dashboard experience.

In this example, we will be embedding a Developer Community article along side a couple of widgets displaying information related to the number of views on the Developer Community articles. This example is not hosted on the Community Analytics server, but if it was we could see the view counts going up as we interacted with the page.

Why use this?

In a real case, perhaps you have an embedded page from an external web site showing the current Emergency Room wait times for Hospitals in your area. This portlet can be used along side widgets from your Emergency Room showing how many people are waiting, how many doctors are active, and how many people are being treated. As other Emergency Room wait times grow, you can possibly expect your volume to increase as well. This can help you make decisions on how to allocate resources.

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