Hi all,

This might be a stupid question, but I'm going to ask it anyway.

My goal is to write a scss file, pack it as part of a local library (Something like my_library.tgz), npm install that library into a different project and then import that scss file in one of the scss files in the new project.

Simply having the scss file exist in the library before I pack it didn't seem to work; the file wasn't under node modules after the npm install. Am I doing something wrong, or are there extra steps I have to take?

Thanks in advance.

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· Dec 28, 2018 2m read
Docker-compose default network conflicts

I recently had to diagnose a networking problem I was having when attached to our corporate network. I was seeing an unknown bridge network being defined that shared the same IP address space as the company network thus blocking access to company resources. This bridge network was separate from the Docker0 bridge network which the docker engine sets up. Docker was configured with a bip (bridge ip) address to prevent docker form using an address space that create a conflict.

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Predictable storage IO performance with low latency is vital to provide scalability and reliability for your applications. This set of benchmarks is to inform users of IRIS considering deploying applications in AWS about EBS gp3 volume performance.


  • An LVM stripe can increase IOPS and throughput beyond single EBS volume performance limits.
  • An LVM stripe lowers read latency.
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On a default VS Code installation, when you create a new file its language mode is 'Plain Text'

You have to click there to set another mode.

Luckily, there's a setting you can tweak to change this. It is called files.defaultLanguage

Set it to the ID of the language you want. Those IDs display in parentheses after each entry on the language mode selector.

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Hi all, it's finally time for the next release of VSCode ObjectScript extension. So what's new in this release.

  • Debugging support, for classes, routines and attach to a running process
  • Files in Server Explorer now can be edited

  • Added more details about connection errors

  • Improvements in Server Explorer build tree

  • Fixed memory leak when exporting large amount of files
  • Server view can be opened in explorer as virtual file system with schema `isfs://`
  • Option to suppress popup information message about successful compile, ("objectscript.suppressCompileMessages": true)
  • Export, addCategory setting have more flexibility in naming category for exported items
  • Formatting for commands and functions, as Word, UPPER or lower
  • Some improvements in syntax highlighting
  • Some other small fixes

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Having developed systems using Caché ObjectScript and Ensemble on various projects over the last 4 - 5 years I'm considering trying for some certifications. I've found details of the Caché Systems Administrator and Caché Application Developer certifications but have a couple of questions:

1) Is there a certification for Ensemble Application Developer?

2) Are any sample questions and/or practice exams available?


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Most of my development experience is with HL7v2 interfaces and I don't have a background in web development and I'm very weak with javascript.

I'm looking for suggestions of learning resources to learn FHIR and 'SMART on FHIR' (JavaScript, OpenID connect, OAuth2) for developers like myself who mostly do HL7v2 integrations - but see FHIR as the future - and want to develop their skills!

I've found these

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· Nov 26, 2021 13m read
Traditional Debugging in ObjectScript

Finding errors in your code or examining unexpected behavior is the main purpose of Debugging
I will try to refresh the traditional tools away from the helpers you have in Studio, VScode, Serenji, ....
to the basics which have been there before your preferred EDI used it in the background.

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· Jun 30, 2022 8m read
What's new in Angular 14

Hi! My name is Sergei Sarkisian and I’m creating Angular frontend for more than 7 years working in InterSystems. As the Angular is very popular framework, our developers, customers and partners often choose it as part of the stack for their applications.

I would like to start series of articles which will cover different aspects of Angular: concepts, how-to, best practices, advanced topics and more. This series will target people who already familiar with Angular and wouldn’t cover basic concepts. As I’m in the process of building articles roadmap, I would like to begin with highlighting some important features in most recent Angular release.

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· Jul 4, 2020 2m read
Terminal Multi-Line Command Editor

The Command extension enables the execution of Multi-Line Commands from Terminal prompt.

Terminal Multi-Line Input with Edit, Insert, Delete, Print extension for IRIS and Caché
IRIS and Caché have just single command lines in terminal available
This Multi-Line Commands Editor also will execute the Multi-line Commands.
In addition, it is independent of access to %SYS and can be installed in any namespace

Special thanks to @Jeffrey Drumm who inspired me to this and supported me as beta-tester.

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· Feb 26, 2018 2m read
M:N Relationship

If you have worked with Caché Objects,
You know already all about Relationships (one:many , parent:child) ...
But you will not find a word on many:many relationships in the docs.

But I met the question quite often from new adopters of Caché objects:
"Is it possible to implement many:many relationships ?" YES - of course !

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This may not be the right place to ask, but I am having some issues with the VSCode setup. I have installed the InterSystems Extensions but I am not seeing the InterSystems icon on the Action Bar long the left side of the screen.

Can someone point me in the correct direction of what I need to do to fix this issue?



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· Jul 29, 2020 5m read
SQL for ^ERROR Global

Standard error logs in IRIS / Caché / Ensemble are written global ^ERRORS.
As this piece dates back some decades back to previous millennium its structure
is far from the typical SQL storage structures.

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Hi all, I have released the latest version of VSCode extension for ObjectScript already a month ago, and finally a time for the info about this new release.

So, what's new in the release:

What's new in this version

  • added export setting "objectscript.export.addCategory" if enabled uses the previous behaviour, adds category folder to export folder, disabled by default
  • added Server actions menu, by clicking on server info from status bar. Open Management portal, Class Reference and toggle connection.
  • Class Suggestion in ##class, Extends, As, CompileAfter, DependsOn, PropertyClass
  • $SYSTEM suggestion by Classes from %SYSTEM
  • Import and compile folder or file by context menu in File Explorer
  • Server Explorer, now possible to open any other namespace
  • Macros suggestion

For details how it works now, look further.

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Too often users finding themselves in need of a software solution do not consider “open source” vs. “proprietary” alternative. Most of them either have their go-to favorite developer or just google for reviews and ready-made answers. However, this alternative must be the starting point of their search, as the decision has the most consequences.

It is not an overstatement to say that open source is the future of technology, albeit, it has its own unique challenges. Here is what users, especially corporate users should consider choosing the software for their business needs.

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Fun or No Fun - how serious is it?

Large language models are stirring up some phenomena in recent months. So inevitably I was playing ChatGPT too over last weekend, to probe whether it would be a complimentary to some BERT based "traditional" AI chatbots I was knocking up, or rather would it simply sweep them away.

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Hi! Today I would like to talk about one of the most important architectural patterns in Angular.

The pattern itself is not related to Angular directly, but as Angular is component-driven framework, this pattern is one of the most essential for building modern Angular applications.

Container-Presentation pattern

It is believed that good components should be small, focused, independent, testable and most important - reusable.

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Hi, Community!

Since this article is an overview of Flask Login, let's begin with Flask Introduction!

What is Flask?

In the realm of web development, Python has emerged as a formidable force, offering its versatility and robustness to create dynamic and scalable applications. For that reason, tools and services compatible with this language are in demand these days. Flask is a lightweight and easy-to-use web framework for Python. It stands out as a lightweight and user-friendly option. Its simplicity and flexibility have made it a popular choice for developers, particularly for creating smaller-scale applications. It is based on the Werkzeug toolkit and provides a simple but powerful API for building web applications.
Unlike its full-stack counterparts, Flask provides a core set of features, focusing on URL routing, template rendering, and request handling. This minimalist approach makes Flask lightweight and easy to learn, allowing developers to build web applications quickly and without the burden of unnecessary complexity.

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A request came from a customer to estimate how long it would take to encrypt a database with cvencrypt utility.

This question is a little bit like how long is a piece of string — it depends. But its an interesting question. The answer primarily depends on the performance of CPU and storage on the target platform the customer is using, so the answer is more about coming up with a simple methodology that can be used to benchmark the CPU and storage while running cvencrypt.

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· Aug 30, 2018
Machine Learning 101 Presentation

View Machine Learning 101 recording at: https://videos.intersystems.com/detail/video/5827774460001/machine-learning-101?autoStart=true&q=machine%20learning.

In addition to our webinar on machine learning (https://community.intersystems.com/post/rescheduled-webinar-its-machine-learning-not-rocket-science-july-31-1100-am-edt), we are pleased to announce a basic introduction to machine learning presentation that provides an overview of the basic algorithms by @Don Woodlock, InterSystems VP of HealthShare Platforms.

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