I need to develop a tool to help to get what data is being consumed by a certain process, in order to get all data used to build an automated test scenario.

For example, some user process will pull data from ^GLOBAL(1)="dataString", ^GLOBAL(2)="dataString2", ^GLOBAL1(1)="data1String", ^GLOBAL2(4)="data2String4". Amidst all other data on these Globals, I will ignore everything that was not used in the user process, and get the specific keys used on it.

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We are running HealthShare on Linux Redhat via Azure.

A couple of days ago, the Azure server rebooted. Which we were unaware of.

Resulting in the Instance being in a downed status.

In the short term I put together a quick script to check the status, if it is down to restart it.

However, before I go down that road, I thought it would be best to inquire if there is a much better and more streamlined solution?

In a nutshell I just want to check and see if the Instance is up or in a state such as down or hung then start it.

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Currently we are using an older Healthshare instance but I am not opposed to using IRIS as we will upgrade eventually.

Currently for monitoring productions we have a Montior screen. We have both the Queues page and a Deepsee dashboard which has current status of our services. The issue with the Deepsee method we currently have with traffic lights is 1) the page is a bit slow to load the metrics 2) any new services from the team a new widget needs created and although this is easy enough to do it just is time consuming.

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We have multiple implementations spanning many namespaces and edges. I would like to see if I could identify a single place, perhaps on HSREGISTRY or HSBUS, that I could capture certain events like searches (from all customers) and record transfers (with requester and provider).

The goal is to have a dashboard that would show simple stats such as searches by participant, records shared by participant and records consumed by participant. These are the 3 most important.

I appreciated the feedback on the other question of "how" but now I'm hoping to find the "Where".

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Hi all,

I recently discovered the Monitoring Activity Volume feature in IRIS and I was amazed by it. So, I put it to work in one of our productions. It is nice how easy it is to set up and all the possibilites that came with it.

But there's something weird: the numbers. Actually, one of the BP is stating a time of more than 6 seconds to process:

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My group needs to be able to monitor items / tasks, and let a non-management-portal user see the monitoring. Is it possible to run DeepSee queries on Production items? I feel like I should not be recreating the production environment or the task manager just so that I can query on the items that are running, and on their states (like "successful" or "send email").

Also, I need to log custom events for each task, and I'm running into difficulties with the task manager in this regard; hence the question about using the Production instead, but querying it.

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· Aug 13, 2019
Dashboard - Line Graph


I want to create a dashboard with a line graph that shows system availability over time. I used this code to create a Dashboard:

            Set tItem = ##class(%DeepSee.UserLibrary.Link).%New()
                Set tItem.fullName = "Availability"
                Set tPage = "Availability.UI.CSVImport.zen"
                Set tItem.href = $system.CSP.GetPortalApp($namespace,tPage)_tPage
                Set tItem.title = "Availability"
                Set tSC = tItem.%Save()
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I've setup ODBC connection so I can access Cache data within SQL Server.

I want to be able to write SQL queries for internal monitoring purposes, similar to what's possible with SQL Server. Specifically I want to be able to check mirroring status (i.e. check which is the current primary mirror member), check the status of any Ensemble productions (started/stopped), check the status of business hosts etc. I want to do all of this from SQL Server to go with our other system monitoring solutions.

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· Mar 10, 2016
Enterprise Monitor

Has anybody managed to get Enterprise Monitor to work to monitor multiple namespaces on manay instances?

I am hitting an issue trying to get a local instance namespace working.

I have this error for my first local namespace sytem configured.

"Ensemble encountered an error while loading this page"

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I believe most of you have encounted this problem: a healthconnect/ensemble user get a slow response and ask measurement on how long it takes ensmeble to process this request, the ensemble 'activity data' gives no clue of the delay.

The reason is HealthConnect message measurement was based on ensemble message, which can’t give a correct answer on when ensmeble recevie the request and what time it send back response. when there is delay on inbound/outbound adpter, or csp gateway, there is no way to find out the delay from "activity data" .

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Hi all.

A long time ago I enabled Activity Monitoring to be able to save myself headaches in the future when looking at the performance of various message routes through our productions. It's served it's purpose of answering questions on how many messages we process a week etc but I had not had the chance to really dig down into the stats for specific message types or destinations to pin point issues.

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Hello everybody,

In the documentation I read the following:

Alerts are messages generated by production components. InterSystems IRIS automatically writes the alerts to a log file and sends then to the production component named Ens.Alert. If your production does not have a component named Ens.Alert, then InterSystems IRIS writes alerts to the log file but does not send them to any component. The component named Ens.Alert can be of any class. The most frequently used classes for Ens.Alert are:

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In response to the infrastructure needs of our company's service, I've created a small API that sends SNMP queries to InterSystems to visualize relevant data for retrieval when the infrastructure implements monitoring.

However, I'm experiencing a timeout issue when attempting to collect information using an SNMP walk. Here is the code for my API's SNMP service:

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During the implementation of iris-history-monitor using ZPM, I'm bumping on the following scenario:

My Installer.cls has a call for the Custom Sensors Class method. The Custom information looks like a charm as I described in this article:

IRIS History Monitor using custom built-in REST API /api/monitor/metrics

But, now I'm trying to replicate the same behavior using the module.xml to work with ZPM.

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Off the back of the Interface Monitoring post I had created a class that queries the Ens.AlertRequest global and returns the entries between 6pm the night before and 6am in the morning.

I tested this build in our T&D environments and the build worked very well.

However in our production environment the query is being truncated, by what I believe to be a timeout and I get a partial query output.

In the System>SQL pages my 12 hour query times out.

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In the Windows Ressource Manager I can observe multiple parallel processes coming from cache.exe with read operations to journaling files.

All except one of these processes have the same reads(Byte/s). The processes point to different journal files and constantly read between 200 and 3000 Bytes/s.

The corresponding process via PID in the management portal of Caché shows the process %SYS.Monitor.Control.1. In 3 days of uptime on the server it has run 181.632.583 commands and modified 32.140.642 globals.

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My employer set up a web-based HL7 interface monitor dashboard that will display all Ensemble components (Service/Process/Operation) in a Production, their status, and the support information embedded in each interfaces listing on the Monitor. Please see 3 screenshots.

This is part of the URL that we go to when accessing this Web based Monitor: ......57772/csp/healthshare/monitor/Rush.Monitor.Web.Home.cls

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