· May 24, 2021

Regarding Ensemble message process time

I believe most of you have encounted this problem: a healthconnect/ensemble user get a slow response and ask measurement on how long it takes ensmeble to process this request, the ensemble 'activity data' gives no clue of the delay.

The reason is HealthConnect message measurement was based on ensemble message, which can’t give a correct answer on when ensmeble recevie the request and what time it send back response. when there is delay on inbound/outbound adpter, or csp gateway, there is no way to find out the delay from "activity data" . 

I am asked by a customer how to deal with this problem. One thing I am thinking of is to tap on tcp/ip layer,  say , monitoring ip traffic on switch, apache, or other devices. 

Please let me know if you have dealed with the same problem or you have a better way to do this job. thank you very much. 

Product version: HealthShare 2020.2
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Hao Ma,

May be you can include some trace in your BS to check each point what is the time.

We had something like this: sometimes the parser of client request (xml/json) takes time to be processed and converted into a message, depending what are you doing in BS. I was happening mainly for big messages.

Also you have to consider transportation time at tcp protocol level.

In the past we had some cases that client system takes almost 30 seconds to prepare his request and call our webservice. And Ensemble uses just 3 seconds to do all his job.

I hope this can be helpfull for you
